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Nabucco (overture) - Conductor Score
Nabucco (overture) - Conductor Score
Nabucco (overture) - Conductor Score
E-book40 pagine

Nabucco (overture) - Conductor Score

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Overture from "Nabucco" by Giuseppe Verdi. Transcription by E. Zullino. Conductor score.
Nabucco (short for Nabucodonosor) is an Italian-language opera in four acts composed in 1841 by Verdi to an Italian libretto by Temistocle Solera. The libretto is based on the biblical books of 2 Kings, Jeremiah, Lamentations and Daniel and the 1836 play by Auguste Anicet-Bourgeois and Francis Cornu. However, Antonio Cortese's ballet adaptation of the play (with its necessary simplifications), given at La Scala in 1836, was a more important source for Solera than was the play itself. Under its original name of Nabucodonosor, the opera was first performed at La Scala in Milan on 9 March 1842.
Data di uscita5 gen 2021
Nabucco (overture) - Conductor Score

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    Nabucco (overture) - Conductor Score - Giuseppe Verdi

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