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Quick Start Guide 2.0 La Notte Eterna
Quick Start Guide 2.0 La Notte Eterna
Quick Start Guide 2.0 La Notte Eterna
E-book73 pagine

Quick Start Guide 2.0 La Notte Eterna

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Questa guida vi fornirà gli elementi essenziali per iniziare le vostre avventure ne “La Notte Eterna”, ambientazione per Dungeons&Dragons 5A edizione. All’interno della QSG troverai il link per scaricare: Scheda del Giocatore e 1 Battle Map a colori
Data di uscita25 ago 2021
Quick Start Guide 2.0 La Notte Eterna

Jason R. Forbus

Jason Ray Forbus was born in Rome on December 17, 1984. A US-Italian dual citizen, Jason's complex and varied background developed, since his early childhood, into a love for traveling and a strong interest for other cultures, which led him to live, work and study in Italy, Spain, Sweden, the United Kingdom and the United States. He holds a diploma in Arts and Communication (Arts High School "A. G. Bragaglia" in Cassino, Italy), a bachelor of arts in Languages and Literatures for Multimedia Communication (University of Cassino, Italy) and a master of science in Globalization (University of Aberdeen, United Kingdom). His professional experiences range from translator to media specialist. Literature and writing have both played an important role in Jason's life since his early youth. Already in 2002, at the age of 16, the author successfully debuted in the national youth literary contest "Campiello", in which his short story "Trovare il Cercare" (Finding the Search) classified amongst the first 25 in Italy and first in the Lazio Region. Since then, Jason has authored several publications in Italian, English, and translated into several other languages. His books in English include: The Revolt of the Skeletons in the Closet (youth novel), The Memory of Odin (novel) and Contract Killing in the Information Age (Criminology Essay) available wherever books are sold.

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