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Abstrart vol.3 - new collection of abstract contemporary art: International Catalog of Emerging Artists - Third Edition
Abstrart vol.3 - new collection of abstract contemporary art: International Catalog of Emerging Artists - Third Edition
Abstrart vol.3 - new collection of abstract contemporary art: International Catalog of Emerging Artists - Third Edition
E-book83 pagine

Abstrart vol.3 - new collection of abstract contemporary art: International Catalog of Emerging Artists - Third Edition

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Info su questo ebook

This third e-book from AbstrArt features abstract artworks and pieces with abstract themes created by contemporary international artists who are part of the Italian art gallery project, Make Art Gallery. AbstrArt Volume Three offers a fresh perspective on the world of contemporary abstract art, showcasing a selection of unique and personal works that explore various styles and techniques.

Divided into 2 author collections, the ebook will showcase the following artists:

Collection 1:

- Rodika Ioniak
- Luana Cambiaghi "Iaelleci"
- Hélène Cloua
- Mario Sánchez M
- Núria Companys Castro
- Evgenia Sgardeli
- Thomas Jeunet

Collection 2

- Franco Corsi
- Giusirames - Giuseppe Rametta
- Michael Wagner
- Dino Puglisi
- Raffaella Lupetti
- Ricardo Labarca
- Stefania Corini
- Tara Partovirad

Art Director: Stefano Fiore
Data di uscita23 mar 2024
Abstrart vol.3 - new collection of abstract contemporary art: International Catalog of Emerging Artists - Third Edition

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    Abstrart vol.3 - new collection of abstract contemporary art - Stefano Fiore

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