Creative Nonfiction2 min letti
FRIENDS • $50 Or More
Between April 14, 2022 and September 19, 2022, the following individuals and organizations contributed to the Creative Nonfiction Foundation. Their generosity makes the magazine and CNF’s other publications and educational programs possible. We are t
Creative Nonfiction2 min lettiForeign Language Studies
BETH KEPHART on Margo Jefferson
In her 2015 memoir, Jefferson chooses to write toward the cultural history she was born into—“upper-crust black Chicago,” as the flap copy puts it. from Negroland (Pantheon Books, 2015) As the book begins, Jefferson is taking it slow—easing in with r
Creative Nonfiction11 min letti
Silver Spaceships
Push open the high school doors during lunch hour and breathe in the salty-sweet air of Burger King and Taco Bell and Starbucks, the delicious temptations of the franchised suburbs. Behind you, forever behind you, the cafeteria food is as appetizing
Creative Nonfiction5 min letti
So This Dude
So this dude I’ve been working alongside, landscaping and whatnot, he looks a lot like me: buzz cut that’s starting to grow out, blond beard and mustache, blue eyes, maybe just shy of six feet, 160 or so pounds. Three weeks we’ve been working togethe
Creative Nonfiction1 min letti
We all get tired of being ourselves, sometimes. That’s one of the reasons we read, in any genre—to be transported beyond our own experiences, to consider others’ perspectives and ways of going through life, and then, to come back with a fresh outlook
Creative Nonfiction4 min letti
Battling the Book
I have just finished writing a book that tells the story of the evolution of creative nonfiction, as I saw it and lived it. And now, as I write this in late July, a couple of weeks after sending the manuscript off to my publisher, I am beginning to f
Creative Nonfiction3 min letti
Deceased Matriarchs. Gram. Mom. As I move deeper into the dirt of terminal cancer & the disabilities it brings, I hear frustrated voices, scowling faces, because no one understands. I see shoulders & backs hunched over walkers & canes. I shuffle by t
Creative Nonfiction10 min letti
Let’s Say
I magine a sticky, early August morning, around three o’clock. It is dark, the moon blocked by clouds, no streetlights, a siren in the distance, medics running to a heart attack. Imagine a man out on a bike or walking a sick dog, or maybe a woman who
Creative Nonfiction8 min letti
Finding Your Public Voice
Early in my career, I joined a writing group with the word change in its name. When friends asked, “What kind of change are you writing about?” I responded, “Whatever kind of change is happening in my life”—whether that change occurred by chance or w
Creative Nonfiction13 min letti
Dismantling the Patriarchy by Reclaiming Her Voice
In 2010, Elissa Bassist, then age twenty-six, wrote to Cheryl Strayed, a.k.a. Sugar from the Rumpus advice column Dear Sugar. She asked, “How do I reach the page when I can’t lift my face off the bed? … How does a woman get up and become the writer s
Creative Nonfiction3 min letti
SEAN PRENTISS on Steve Coughlin
from “The Next Thirty-Two Years” Driving at Twilight (Main Street Rag, 2018) This speculative essay about the author’s father’s work begins far from where readers might expect a speculative essay to begin. Rather than being overly poetic, it begins w
Creative Nonfiction10 min letti
The Sounds of Your Self
When you’re inside a piece of writing that hums and crackles and sparks, when a real person is talking to you from the page, you’ve encountered a voice. “Voice” is what writing feels like. It sets off sympathetic vibrations in readers. It gives us a
Creative Nonfiction3 min letti
YI SHUN LAI on R. Eric Thomas
from “There’s Never Any Trouble Here in Bubbleland” Here for It: Or, How to Save Your Soul in America (Ballantine Books, 2020) This excerpt begins a solid page into a 15-page essay. The opening anecdote, related to Lassie, has completely disarmed me,
Creative Nonfiction6 min lettiMathematics
Striving for Harmony
How turning to geometrical concepts can strengthen nonfiction writing A poster in the back of my high school math classroom announced Math Is Everywhere. The words were displayed across a flowering shaft of lavender, the feather of a bird’s wing, and
Creative Nonfiction1 min letti
Creative Nonfiction
Lee Gutkind Hattie Fletcher Chad Vogler Anna Hall Broudy Printing Stephen Knezovich Patricia Park Amanda Backeris Dinty W. Moore, Patricia Park, Lea Simonds Diane Ackerman, Buzz Bissinger, Edwidge Danticat, Annie Dillard, Dave Eggers, Jonathan Fr
Creative Nonfiction2 min letti
About The Contributors
Interview with Elissa Bassist Nikki Campo is a nonfiction and humor writer who has contributed to the New York Times, the Washington Post, National Geographic, the Belladonna Comedy, and McSweeney’s Internet Tendency. She lives in Charlotte, North Ca
Creative Nonfiction3 min letti
JILL CHRISTMAN on Jaquira Díaz
from “Beach City” (Brevity #52, 2016) By the end of the first sentence, the voice is all there—the collective “we,” the protective teenagers who are of this place. The girls of Miami Beach won’t hesitate to lob an f-bomb. Writers are often told a ben
Creative Nonfiction3 min letti
Mama Asks, Haven’t You Been Lucky To Know Gracious Men
yes mama, after all, the only time I really felt uncertain about a sexual advance was at a college party where my boyfriend took me, drunk for the very first time, to his bedroom, pulled my underwear to my knees & used his fingers to enter—did I ment
Creative Nonfiction10 min letti
I Am Al’s Lymphoma
More specifically, I am Al’s Primary Cutaneous T-Cell Lymphoma. Even more specifically, I’m Al’s Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma. Or, you could just call me Cancer, but you’re better off not calling me at all, and hoping that I never call you. Al is f
Creative Nonfiction2 min letti
What’s Kept You Writing Over The Past Two Years?
“First, forgiveness. Or permission. I’ve allowed myself to go fallow at times. I’ve been lenient when other priorities have crowded out my writing. I’ve even forgiven my lazinesses and the mindless distractions I too often give in to. The other thing
Creative Nonfiction9 min letti
My mother once asked about my worst fear. Ten-year-old me told her roaches. The giant flying type of tree roaches that were all over my small Mississippi town almost year-round. But she was surprised. Said she thought it’d be her dying. My apartment
Creative Nonfiction6 min letti
50 Years of Making Nonfiction Creative
Congratulations to all of us! It was, after all, recently our golden anniversary. Sort of. Fifty years ago, on Valentine’s Day of 1972, New York magazine published “The Birth of ‘The New Journalism’; Eyewitness Report by Tom Wolfe,” a proclamation th
Creative Nonfiction1 min letti
What’s The Best Piece Of Advice You’ve Received About Writing About Trauma?
“Step away when it becomes overwhelming. I know it may sound counterintuitive, but getting up, taking a walk, and ignoring the writing can sometimes help. Then, when you find yourself alone and capable of thinking without interruption (I prefer the s
Creative Nonfiction14 min letti
Bad News 101
The volunteer coordinator holds four slips of paper and offers them in our direction. “Who wants Cancer Diagnosis?” she asks mildly. No takers. “Ok, how about Suspicious Test Result?” I pull my sweater tighter around me. “I’ll take the diagnosis,” I
Creative Nonfiction2 min letti
What’s Kept You Writing Over The Past Two Years?
“I won’t lie: my productivity has dipped, sometimes down to a slow crawl. But what has kept me going, even minimally, is interacting with other writers on social media, on Zoom, in webinars, seeing how writing has been a lifeline, how much harder thi
Creative Nonfiction3 min letti
Some summer nights as kids we smashed fireflies and rubbed the glowing remains on our bodies so we could see each other in the dark. The glow didn’t last long. Nor did the game. It never occurred to me that afterward the night sky was a little less l
Creative Nonfiction3 min letti
Supporters Of Cnf
Keith Gregory, Jamie Neilson, Jay Przybylo, David Taylor Jennifer Archie, Ann Beman, Jane Bernstein, David Bossert, Jane C. Boyer, Carol R. Brown, Rob Carpenter, Ruth Cohn, Carol Cooley, Deborah Curtiss, Judy Davis, Marie Drake, Gulchin Ergun, Lori F
Creative Nonfiction10 min letti
Misery & Company
Hugging the northern border of Baja California, a highway called La Rumorosa cuts through the Sierra de Juárez. It’s long been regarded as one of the world’s most dangerous highways. Viewed aerially, the road looks a bit like tinsel tossed carelessly
Creative Nonfiction11 min letti
Punching Up
The past two years have been anything but funny. And yet, to remake my mind during the pandemic, as virus variants and sociopolitical atrocities floated through my news feed, I turned to female stand-up comedians. It all started with Tig Notaro’s 201
Creative Nonfiction2 min letti
It’s Been Awhile; How Are You?
We’re not really fine, of course; no one is, right now. And yet. “I hope this finds you doing ok in these strange times,” our emails still begin, before getting down to the business at hand. (Thankfully, there is still business at hand, work to be do
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