African Hunting Gazette5 min letti
Bowhunting a WILD BOAR in South Africa
However, after some practice shots with my 90lb Elite GT 500 bow and the 800-grain arrow with the Muzzy Phantom broadhead on our practice shooting butt, we headed out to stalk them. The farmer said that they were active during the day as well as at n
African Hunting Gazette2 min letti
The Rigby DAGGA BOY AWARD returns for 2025
Hunters worldwide are invited to participate by electronically submitting a detailed hunt report and photos of eligible buffalo bulls, hunted between January 2022 and the end of the 2024 hunting season, to Eligibility cri
African Hunting Gazette6 min letti
Searching for SABLE
I had lined up a safari with Monkane Safaris. Owner Kerneels Viljoen had asked if I was interested in hunting for a sable. Of course I was, but said it was a little out of my price range. However, he was kind enough to work with me to make this hunt
African Hunting Gazette8 min letti
After eight long months of anticipation and planning, and two long flights to Windhoek, the first person to greet us at the airport was Hanns-Louis Lamprecht. He and his wife Rachelle are the primary hosts alongside Marina, as owner/proprietors of Hu
African Hunting Gazette8 min letti
An Ode To The Military-surplus M98 MAUSER ACTION
The M98 story has been rehashed many times, so repeating it ad nauseum here isn't necessary. To cut a long story short, the M98 was the invention of Peter Paul Mauser, born on 27 June 1838. It was by no means Paul Mauser's first invention, though. Th
African Hunting Gazette12 min letti
The baobab BUFFALO
Fast forward thirty years to a lion-colored grass airstrip in the Save Valley of Zimbabwe. The little Cessna bumped down onto the hard dirt and came to idle in the shade under a towering baobab tree. When the engine shut off, all I could hear was the
African Hunting Gazette8 min letti
“Try again, Mate. Relax. We have time.” Bullet holes were appearing everywhere but in target's center. Resting the rifles alternately to cool the barrels, Larry kept emptying brass. Finally: “That's good enough,” said the PH, wearily tucking in his b
African Hunting Gazette9 min letti
TEN DAYS With A Rigby
The first week of November I got a call from Richard. “I suppose you called to say I didn't win the rifle,” I laughed. “Just the opposite,” said Richard, “you did win the rifle!” I was ecstatic to say the least. After paperwork and emails back-and-fo
African Hunting Gazette5 min letti
Extinction. Or not. In Mother Nature, we Trust
The Canadian province of Quebec is a big chunk of land: At 595,000 square miles, it's more than twice the size of Texas, or Botswana. It is, or was, home to several large caribou herds. These herds are identified by their home territory, so there is
African Hunting Gazette6 min letti
A buffalo DOUBLE
We were in the north of Uganda, near the border to South Sudan, where the dry grass is being burned down to provide the soil with new nutrients that grow fresh green grass. As well as the abundant waterholes, this nutritious green grass provides the
African Hunting Gazette8 min letti
In all my travels, I try my best to do some research into the area I've booked to hunt, to familiarize myself with the history of the area, and sometimes I've found myself in the tracks of famous hunters. Not just a country, but specific areas which
African Hunting Gazette7 min letti
Thorn bush BUFFALO
After my first encounter with these magnificent creatures during a hunt in Limpopo, South Africa I became obsessed by their strength, resilience, and dangerous nature. Hunting these buffalo offers a unique and adrenaline-fuelled experience. The antic
African Hunting Gazette6 min letti
THE SHORTGUN IN AFRICA: The Allure Of Hunting Big And Dangerous Game With A Handgun
Blackness was all I could see behind the handgun scope's reticle, the revolver resting on the shooting sticks. At what seemed arms’ reach from our makeshift blind, the Cape buffalo's massive frame and coarse ashen hair filled the optic. We had circle
African Hunting Gazette8 min letti
The Big Bull SABLE In The Swamp
It was the last day of my safari in Coutada 11 in the Zambeze Delta of Mozambique, and I was cursing the weather. Evidence of yesterday's torrential rain was everywhere. Six inches had fallen in less than 12 hours, I reckoned, by the overflowing wate
African Hunting Gazette5 min letti
WATERFOWLING - Too Often Overlooked
Similarly with the francolin and spurfowl family. One species or another is found virtually everywhere you're likely to go on safari. Most hunters can't distinguish one from another, but it matters little; these little birds quickly remind them of th
African Hunting Gazette4 min letti
ANTI-POACHING K9S - Take Action Dog Unit
This work sparked the idea of utilizing dogs in antipoaching operations. Kieth started with four half-bred Malinois dogs. Remarkable success came quickly and inspired him to expand the concept of breeding, training, and supplying dogs to anti-poachin
African Hunting Gazette9 min letti
Ask anyone who's hunted buffalo and they'll tell you it's like no other hunt. I'm still a novice at the game, but I've learned a lot. Buffalo hunting was the realization of a lifelong dream of hunting dangerous game in the Dark Continent. I read as m
African Hunting Gazette8 min letti
A Taxidermist's advice on LEOPARD HUNTING
Certain outfitters will have baits out before you arrive and will likely have one or more adult male leopards on baits before you even start to hunt. They'll quietly position you in a blind 80 yards from the bait and will be there to see you through
African Hunting Gazette1 min letti
African Hunting Gazette
• Published quarterly, a quality journal presenting all aspects of hunting available in Africa. • The traditions and tales, the professional hunters of today, and the legends of yesteryear. • Reporting on the places to go, the sport available and all
African Hunting Gazette6 min letti
A 60 for A 60
I refused to dwell on that horrid idea and kept trying to banish it from my thoughts. In many ways, my whole being feels grounded on the Dark Continent, more at home there than in many of the wild places in my own country. Most of my adult life has b
African Hunting Gazette7 min letti
Investing in CONSERVATION Sobbe Conservancy, Namibia
Ordinary Africans, those millions of people who live on and farm the lands shared by wildlife, hold the future of that wildlife in their hands. If they decide the cost of living with elephant, lion, leopard and other species, is too high, nothing the
African Hunting Gazette4 min letti
Lightness & sweet
I am speaking here of cannons like the .505 Gibbs and .450 Ackley. The problem is partly psychological and partly physical, but it also has a lot to do with blast and concussion. Obviously, when sitting at a bench in a covered firing line, you wear b
African Hunting Gazette4 min letti
Can Hunting Learn From The SPRINGBOKS?
This hunting industry has faced and continues to face strong headwinds. It was 28 years ago (1995) that we watched as South Africa's hopes rested on a rugby team. Just back in the international sporting arena, following decades of isolation, South Af
African Hunting Gazette5 min letti
LECHWE With Bow And Arrow
We were in the Northern Free State on a nice property consisting mainly of several lakes or large ponds, marshland, sedge grass and swamps – habitats that lechwe like, but that makes it difficult to stalk them. We started early at sunrise. It was a b
African Hunting Gazette4 min letti
Holland's Super Thirty
Considering the number of rival .300s that have gate-crashed the scene during that time, one might be tempted to dismiss the .300 H&H as a has-been, and many do. But while its death or displacement has been rumored seemingly forever, it soldiers on—s
African Hunting Gazette5 min letti
The Hazard Of Hunting HIPPOS
The ranger accompanying us was adamant that the confluence of the river where the hippo was living was not far at all but, as always in Africa of course, it turned out to be just over a hundred kilometers away. Not far indeed… By the time we arrived
African Hunting Gazette8 min letti
Plains Game, Guns, & Gear: Field Notes from the Kalahari
I’ve been exceedingly fortunate to have traveled there twice, and the drive to go back is already drawing me to plan yet another African excursion, even after a recent trip. My latest outing really began this past January at a meeting with PH Stephen
African Hunting Gazette8 min letti
Why The British Shotgun?
The British shotgun has another side to it as well, though. Not every shotgun that left the showroom or factory in England and Scotland during times gone by was a best quality sidelock; in fact, many were decidedly humbler in appearance and decoratio
African Hunting Gazette11 min letti
Not About the Kill
We were told, at the Beitbridge border post between South Africa and Zimbabwe, that His Excellency, the President of Zimbabwe, was attending a ribbon-cutting ceremony, and, in true African style, there were strict instructions that no guns would be a
African Hunting Gazette6 min letti
A Safari to REMEMBER
I love Africa. There is just no way better to summarize how I feel about each opportunity to hunt Africa. When I step off the airplane, I know every day will be an adventure in this very special and enchanting land. With each visit, memories are made
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