Photography Masterclass Magazine1 min letti
Behind The Scenes: timestorm Films’s “Arizona 8k HDR Timelapse”
Embark on a visual timelapse journey through Arizona’s breathtaking landscapes. Created by Martin Heck of Timestorm Films, this timelapse captures the essence of the state’s iconic landmarks and its lesserknown, yet equally stunning locations. Enjoy
Photography Masterclass Magazine7 min letti
The Secrets To stunning Wildlife Photography
I think most photographers would love to shoot wildlife from time to time. Capturing photos of wild animals is a challenge, but there’s a huge lure for anyone who enjoys spending time in natural surroundings and wants to capture the magnificent creat
Photography Masterclass Magazine1 min letti
VIDEO TUTORIAL: BEST SD CARD FOR PHOTO & 4K VIDEO Choosing the best SD card for photo and video can be intimidating. There’s so many brands and card types out there. I'm going to help you choose the best SD memory card for your camera, by helping you underst
Photography Masterclass Magazine7 min letti
Featured Photographer: Mark Dumbleton
In this issue, we interview Mark Dumbleton. In the realm of wildlife photography, Mark stands as a luminary, showcasing the breathtaking beauty of Southern Africa’s fauna through his lens. In this exclusive interview, Mark shares insights into his jo
Photography Masterclass Magazine5 min letti
Choosing The Right Memory Card
Memory cards are digital cameras’ version of film, allowing photographers to capture an image. Tiny but mighty, these are a vital piece of camera equipment. So, it’s important that you have the right memory cards for your camera, along with plenty of
Photography Masterclass Magazine1 min letti
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Photography Masterclass Magazine1 min letti
Photography Masterclass Magazine
EDITORS: Gill Roberts Kevin Roberts CONTRIBUTORS: Jo Plumridge Ryan Sitzman Mark Dumbleton Laura BC Sean Tucker Dieter Van Holder Tony Northrup Chelsea Northrup Timestorm Films COVER PHOTO BY: Mark Dumbleton PHOTOGRAPHERS: Allen Carroll Nigel Thomas
Photography Masterclass Magazine2 min letti
Editor’s Note
Welcome to this edition of Photography Masterclass Magazine Most photographers would love to shoot wildlife from time to time. Capturing photos of wild animals is a challenge, but there’s a huge lure for anyone who enjoys spending time in natural sur
Photography Masterclass Magazine1 min letti
Video Tutorial: camera Settings For Pro Wildlife Photography Here are the best camera settings we use for professional bird and wildlife photography! We share all our best tips for beginners and advanced nature photographers in this tutorial. Chelsea and Tony Northrup
Photography Masterclass Magazine1 min letti
Arizona 8k HDR Timelapse Experience Arizona’s majestic beauty in this stunning 8K HDR timelapse - a visual masterpiece that captures the state’s iconic and hidden landscapes, brought to life with cutting-edge technology and set to an
Photography Masterclass Magazine5 min letti
The Lowdown On The Sony 300mm GM Oss Lens
Do you have a photography bucket list? If so, what kinds of things do you have on it? Are you more interested in trying new techniques or photographing new subjects or places, or would you rather try out new gear? Personally, I would be interested in
Photography Masterclass Magazine1 min letti
Video: pricing Your Photography And Finding Clients In this video I give you some practical advice for building a photography business, from choosing clients to pursue, to building your skillset and a portfolio, preparing your pitch, setting you pricing, and g
Photography Masterclass Magazine1 min letti
Video Tutorial: exposiing Lighroom Editing Secrets For Wildlife Photography In this Lightroom editing tutorial for Wildlife photography I share some of my editing secrets with you, some really nice techniques you can use on your wildlife photography to take them to the next level. I
Photography Masterclass Magazine1 min letti
Sony 300mm F/2.8 GM Review: Worth $6000? Chelsea & Tony Northrup review the 300mm f/2.8 GM lens for sports photography! They test it with the Sony a1 for sharpness, autofocus accuracy, bokeh, contrast, and stabilization. They test it with 2.0X telec
Photography Masterclass Magazine8 min letti
Top Strategies On How To Get Clients For Photgoraphy
Most photographers who try to grow a photography business find it challenging. If this is you, you’re not alone. But acquiring new clients doesn’t have to be a mystery. In this straightforward guide, we show you how to get more photography clients fo
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Photography Masterclass Magazine1 min letti
Video: start Getting Photography Clients Non-stop As a beginner, there is a strict roadmap you have to follow to start getting photography clients. If you follow this step by step, you'll be able to get photography clients regardless of your level! I’m an In
Photography Masterclass Magazine6 min letti
The Art Of Fashion photography
The fashion industry is a multibillion dollar affair, and it relies heavily on photography to sell clothing and promote brands. Within the genre you’ll find a number of sub-sections, with each one requiring a different skillset. Because fashion photo
Photography Masterclass Magazine1 min letti
Finding Your Visual Voice (feat. Dan Baker) In this video Dan Baker talks about finding his own visual voice by photographing the same stretch of beachfront in his hometown of Cleethorpes. He covers his process for focusing on a very specific geographi
Photography Masterclass Magazine1 min letti
Behind The Scenes: little Big World’s “One Day In Bruges, Belgium”
Bruges is a picturesque town in the Flemish region of Belgium. The historic city centre is a prominent World Heritage Site of UNESCO and a major tourism destination within Belgium. Along with a few other canal-based northern cities, such as Amsterdam
Photography Masterclass Magazine1 min letti
Editor’s Note
Welcome to this edition of Photography Masterclass Magazine The fashion industry is a multibillion dollar affair, and it relies heavily on photography to sell clothing and promote brands. There’s a huge amount to experiment with in the fashion photog
Photography Masterclass Magazine1 min letti
One Day In bruges, Belgium Timelapse Embark on an incredible timelapse, tilt-shift and aerial journey, where filmmaker Joerg Daiber captures the beauty of the City of Bruges and it’s canals in 3 minutes! ■
Photography Masterclass Magazine8 min letti
Featured Photographer: Emanuel Scarponi
In this issue, we speak to Italian landscape photographer Emanuel Scarponi. With an unwavering passion for the outdoors and a keen eye for composition, Scarponi’s work transcends mere imagery, inviting viewers into a world where light dances on rugge
Photography Masterclass Magazine1 min letti
SONY A9 III REVIEW: ULTIMATE WILDLIFE & PET CAMERA? Is the Sony a9 III the best wildlife camera? Is the Sony a9 III the best camera for action photos of pets? Let’s find out! Tony & Chelsea Northrup review the new Sony a9 III mirrorless full-frame camera for h
Photography Masterclass Magazine5 min letti
How To Get Started With Film Photography
If you’re from a younger generation than I am, you may never have shot on film. But while digital photography is the dominant medium, film is still around and becoming increasingly popular again with those looking to expand their creativity, or just
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Photography Masterclass Magazine1 min letti
Video Tutorial: 3 One-light Fashion Setups Fashion lighting doesn’t need to be complicated to be striking or high fashion. Furthermore, one light doesn’t mean they are ‘boring’ either. In fact, many of the lighting setups on the covers of the biggest
Photography Masterclass Magazine5 min letti
The Lowdown On The Sony A9iii
Sony recently made waves in photographic circles when it released the a9iii, the first consumer camera that uses a global shutter. Admittedly, the ripples from the hype wave didn’t reach me right away. The phrase “global shutter” didn’t mean much to
Photography Masterclass Magazine1 min letti
Video Tutorial: film Photography On Set Join Daniel Norton on set as he explores some reasons and techniques behind working with film (analog). For some, using film might be nostalgic or something different to break up their typical work. For other
Photography Masterclass Magazine1 min letti
Photography Masterclass Magazine
EDITORS: Gill Roberts Kevin Roberts CONTRIBUTORS: Jo Plumridge Ryan Sitzman Emanuel Scarponi Sean Tucker Morten Rustad Adorama Tony Northrup Chelsea Northrup Little Big World COVER PHOTO BY: Ospan Ali PHOTOGRAPHERS: Kjell Værøy Ljøstad Lee James Kers
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