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Port Hope Simpson Off the Beaten Path Vol 1
Port Hope Simpson Mysteries, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada Oral History Evidence and Interpretation
Legacy Port Hope Simpson Town, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada
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Port Hope Simpson Mysteries

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Port Hope Simpson Clues, Newfoundland & Labrador, Canada
Series Title: Port Hope Simpson Misteri
Vol 4
Llewelyn Pritchard
Smashwords Edition
Copyright 2010 Llewelyn Pritchard

Se ti piace risolvere i puzzle e alle prese con un vero mistero perche non unirsi a Llewelyn mentre penetra nella storia affascinante, oscuro e sordido passato di Port Hope Simpson, una citta costiera di registrazione, sulla costa orientale del deserto Canada, come si scopre un grande affrontare piu di quanto si aspettasse?
Per esempio, almeno 6 prove apparenti discrepanze pesare seri dubbi circa la veridicita di iscrizione una Tombstone (ancora in piedi nel cuore della citta oggi come un memoriale di famiglia per gli eventi che non sono ancora veramente parlato apertamente ... per qualunque motivo dagli antenati recenti del defunto) - di Arthur Eric Williams 27 anni gallese e il suo bambino figlia Erica D'Anitoff Williams, nipote del conte russo D'Anitoff.
Che cosa e realmente accaduto in una notte terribile in cui gli innocenti tre anni e mezzo ragazza infantile anni e suo padre di 27 anni, e morto nella maggior parte dei casi sospetti, aspre nelle prime ore del 3 febbraio 1940 in un incendio che ha bruciato la loro casa di legno in azienda Port Hope Simpson, Labrador, Terranova, Canada?
Eric, come era conosciuto, era il figlio maggiore di John Osborne Williams, proprietario della societa per lo sviluppo di registrazione Labrador Company Ltd che ha operato a Port Hope Simpson 1934-1941.
Fu mandato dal padre a riferire sui problemi e le questioni in particolare a che fare con il Company Store a Port Hope Simpson gestito da Manager locale Keith Yonge ... ma lui non e piu tornato.
Stava e stato fatto per pagare per i peccati presunti di suo padre?
Un inchiesta pubblica negli affari dello Sviluppo Labrador Company Ltd. e stata condotta nel 1941. I risultati solo divenne Regno Unito di Stato "Papers Aperte" nel 1996.
Forse questo dice tutto?
La vera causa della loro morte non e ancora stato ancora stabilito.
Guardiamo per eventuali indizi rilevanti all'interno, ad esempio, i giornali 'The Times', Londra, Inghilterra 1934-39 i cui articoli offrono anche tocchi di umorismo, molte intuizioni diverse storiche nel periodo in esame tra cui "The Crusaders" viste del Dominio di Governo, alcuni Commissari di essere richiamato a Londra, a volte di importanza cruciale nel contesto dei 2 decessi; rilievo lavoro della costa del Labrador e lettere dal leggendario Sir Wilfred Grenfell T. KC, che era molto arrabbiato con Sir John Hope Simpson, ma era che solo un altro discorso?
Questo libro e dedicato a ottenere giustizia per Erica D'Anitoff Williams, tre anni e mezzo e il suo giovane padre Arthur Eric Williams, 27 anni che e morto nella propria casa Development Company Labrador, Port Hope Simpson, Terranova, Canada nel aspro, circostanze sospette nelle prime ore del 3 febbraio 1940. Il (Royal Canadian Mounted Police) RCMP Unità per i reati gravi, Gander, Terranova, nel 2002, ha aperto le proprie indagini per la morte. Se si conosce niente su quello che e successo non esitate a contattare il vostro distacco RCMP locale o le forze di polizia di competenza nella tua zona. Se vivete al di fuori del Canada, contattare il servizio di polizia locale e chiedere loro di effettuare una richiesta di assistenza da parte dell'agenzia appropriata applicazione della legge canadese. L'indirizzo del sito web principale RCMP e http:/ o Email me!

Data di uscita17 ott 2012
Port Hope Simpson Off the Beaten Path Vol 1
Port Hope Simpson Mysteries, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada Oral History Evidence and Interpretation
Legacy Port Hope Simpson Town, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada

Titoli di questa serie (14)

  • Legacy Port Hope Simpson Town, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada


    Legacy Port Hope Simpson Town, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada
    Legacy Port Hope Simpson Town, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada

    Legacy Port Hope Simpson Town, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada; Series Title: Port Hope Simpson Mysteries Vol 3 by Llewelyn Pritchard Smashwords Edition Copyright 2010 Llewelyn Pritchard Legacy is based on previously classified British Government documents seen here for the first time. It highlights the inescapable fact that 2 unexplained deaths still tarnish the great history of sustainable development achieved by the people of Port Hope Simpson Town in South East Labrador, Canada. What happened on one fateful night in the early hours of 3 February 1940, near Pioneer Street today in Port Hope Simpson Town, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada remains stubbornly and inextricably bound-up with the history of the place and its people. Until the deaths are fully investigated and explained by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (R.C.M.P.) Serious Crimes Unit, The Department of Justice, St. John’s, Newfoundland, Canada then the history of the town can never be truly known and at the very least the town's people are being denied full knowledge of their own past. At worst, personal knowledge about what really happened is still being kept hidden. WHO DIED IN WHAT CIRCUMSTANCES? Arthur Eric Williams b. 30.07.13, (eldest son of John Osborn Williams, owner of the Labrador Development Company Ltd. Logging company based in Port Hope Simpson from 1934) and Erica D'Anitoff Williams b. 15.07.36 his infant daughter from Cardiff, Wales died on Feb 3 1940 in suspicious, acrimonious circumstances. TOO MANY QUESTIONS REMAIN UNANSWERED... Why are so many Newfoundland Rangers’ reports from Labrador missing from Provincial Archives in St. John’s? (Clarence Dwyer, 18 years of age was the Ranger on duty at the Port Hope Simpson Detachment when the deaths occurred.) What was the real reason that explains why the retired Indian civil servant, Sir John Hope Simpson, Newfoundland Commissioner of Natural Resources and Acting-Commissioner of Justice worked so hard even after he no longer had any official responsibilities, to keep the Newfoundland Rangers under the jurisdiction of the Natural Resources Department instead of under the Department of Justice? No medical report has been found. Yet it was reported at the time that a doctor from Mary's Harbour attended to Olga, wife and mother of the deceased after she was rescued from the burning house. What happened to the report? Olga married one of her rescuers, Sid Wiseman but why did she complain afterwards that she had been cut off from all contact with the Williams family after the deaths. (On the other hand, J. O. Williams was able to bequeath considerable funds.) Why did an Oral History interview which involved the grandson and his wife of J. O. Williams leave Llewelyn with the distinct impression that the tradition of secrecy surrounding the deaths was still being carried on today? A granite tombstone was built on the same spot where they had perished. It was erected on top of a hastily-built concrete grave in which the bodies had been quickly buried by order of Keith Younge, the local manager of the Company. But different inscriptions were carved into the concrete and granite headstones! Why? What happened in the time between when the deaths occurred and when they were carved to cause them to change? Why was any reference to Olga completely removed from the second inscription on order of John Osborn Williams? Why are there at least 6 apparent evidence discrepancies on the tombstone? Why did the deceased father complain about Olga’s character in the highly confidential letter to Keith Younge now in the public domain at National Archives UK Ref. Public Enquiry into the Affairs of the Labrador Development Company Ltd. 1945? Why was pertinent information about the deaths kept secret under the classification of “Closed Papers” by the British Government until 1996 – 98?

  • Port Hope Simpson Off the Beaten Path Vol 1


    Port Hope Simpson Off the Beaten Path Vol 1
    Port Hope Simpson Off the Beaten Path Vol 1

    Port Hope Simpson Off the Beaten Path Vol 1 Series Title: Port Hope Simpson Mysteries Vol 8 by Llewelyn Pritchard Smashwords Edition Copyright 2010 Llewelyn Pritchard Follow the Labrador Coastal Drive, Route 510 in Newfoundland & Labrador, Canada and discover the Town’s “Pitprops, Politics & Prosperity,” Heroic Struggle of sustainable development towards a better future 1934-2002. After 33 years my first sight of Port Hope Simpson from the air told me how much it had grown with a new bridge, main highway and airport 15 July – 28 August 2002... On the one hand, this journal tells the quite remarkable true story about the on-going search for justice on behalf of a young father Arthur Eric Williams aged 27 years and his infant daughter Erica d’Anitoff Williams aged 3 1⁄2 years who died in suspicious, acrimonious circumstances in Port Hope Simpson, Labrador, Newfoundland, Canada on the 3 February 1940. On the other hand, it chronicles Llewelyn Pritchard’s visits to Port Hope Simpson’s Come Home Celebrations and to the island of Newfoundland between 15 July - 28 August, 2002 as he also seeks to establish the facts about the cause(s) of the 2 unsolved deaths. Port Hope Simpson History Port Hope Simpson is situated about 12 miles inland on the banks of the Alexis River in eastern Labrador, Newfoundland, Canada. It is named after Sir John Hope Simpson, 23 July 1868 - 10 April 1961, Commissioner of Natural Resources and Acting-Commissioner of Justice, 1934-36 of the unelected, undemocratic Commission of Government that ruled Newfoundland from 1934 – 49. Sir John Hope Simpson had given his backing to John Osborn Williams and the Labrador Development Company Ltd to set-up a logger’s camp in Alexis Bay for cutting and exporting pitwood to Cardiff for the collieries of South Wales. It is therefore quite reasonable to assume that in return, he was invited by J. O. Williams, the owner of the Company to allow his name to be given to the place where the camp was first set-up. However, by so doing Sir John not only left himself open to accusations of favouritism in context of his official role for the Commission of Government 1934-1949 that ruled the island. Evidence also shows that he was also involved in a chain of events including lack of houses for the loggers and their families, lower than expected and unpaid loggers’ wages, suppression of an official report on loggers’ wages and a trading monopoly held by the Company store in Port Hope Simpson which meant the people were forced to live on credit and in poverty that debatably, contributed to the circumstances leading to the above two deaths. Sir John Hope Simpson is also known for having established the Newfoundland Rangers, a welfare and police force modelled on the RCMP that was supposed to link people, especially those of the outposts in Labrador, including Port Hope Simpson with The Commission of Government in St. John’s on the island of Newfoundland. However and most suspiciously, the majority of Newfoundland Ranger Clarence Dwyer’s Monthly Reports on the General Living Conditions in his district as well as the other Labrador Reports are missing from the Archives collection in St. John’s, Newfoundland & Labrador, Canada! C. Dwyer was the most likely Port Hope Simpson Ranger on duty when the deaths occurred in 1940... Dedication This book is dedicated to obtaining justice for Erica D’Anitoff Williams, three and a half years and her young father Arthur Eric Williams, 27 years who died in their Labrador Development Company home, Port Hope Simpson, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada in acrimonious, suspicious circumstances in the early hours of 3 February 1940. The R.C.M.P (Royal Canadian Mounted Police) The main RCMP website address is http:/ or Email me!

  • Port Hope Simpson Mysteries, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada Oral History Evidence and Interpretation


    Port Hope Simpson Mysteries, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada Oral History Evidence and Interpretation
    Port Hope Simpson Mysteries, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada Oral History Evidence and Interpretation

    Port Hope Simpson Mysteries, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada Oral History Evidence and Interpretation Series Title: Port Hope Simpson Mysteries Vol 2 by Llewelyn Pritchard Smashwords Edition Copyright 2010 Llewelyn Pritchard Read about the original Oral History interview with Mrs. Kathleen Squire (formerly James) known as “Bunty” or “Bunty James” who was the lifelong friend of Katie Doreen Illsley (Williams), daughter of J. O. Williams, owner of The Labrador Development Company Ltd which conducted logging operations in Port Hope Simpson 1934 – 1945. Bunty stayed with Katie Doreen in Port Hope Simpson, Labrador, Newfoundland, Canada for one year, 1935-36 and returned to stay for another year 1936-37. The aim of the interview was to find out as much as possible about the Labrador Development Company Ltd. in connection with the history of Port Hope Simpson and in particular any relevant information in connection with the two unexplained deaths of Arthur Eric Williams, the owner’s eldest son and his infant daughter Erica D’Anitoff Williams, the granddaughter of a Russian Count D’Anitoff. John Edward Illesley, the grandson of J.O. Williams and his wife Sheila were also present and took a very active part in the interview. John had brought along the family archives (consisting of albums of photographs with documents and letters written at the time) to show Llewelyn and gave him an original Labrador Development Company Ltd. brochure undated, printed in Cardiff most likely in 1934 or 1935 that included two maps showing its timber concessions in Labrador and a Labrador Mining Company concession area. John then started to take Llewelyn through his collection of photographs and other documents with Mrs. Squire and Sheila contributing as we went along... I was particularly interested to hear from Bunty that John Hope Simpson purchased timber rights after the First World War although it was not clear whether or not they were for his own personal benefit. If they were it meant that he could have actually been the employer of J. O. Williams whilst also Commissioner for Natural Resources and acting - Commissioner for Justice in Newfoundland. It would explain an awful lot... Dedication This book is dedicated to obtaining justice for Erica D’Anitoff Williams, three and a half years and her young father Arthur Eric Williams, 27 years who died in their Labrador Development Company home, Port Hope Simpson, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada in acrimonious, suspicious circumstances in the early hours of 3 February 1940. The R.C.M.P (Royal Canadian Mounted Police) Serious Crimes Unit, Gander, Newfoundland in 2002, opened up their own investigation about the deaths. If you know anything at all about what happened please do not hesitate in contacting your local RCMP detachment or the police force of jurisdiction in your area. If you live outside Canada, please contact your local police service and ask them to make a request for assistance from the appropriate Canadian law enforcement agency. The main RCMP website address is http:// or Email me!

  • Rooted Forever in History


    Rooted Forever in History
    Rooted Forever in History

    Rooted Forever in History Series Title: Port Hope Simpson Mysteries Vol 9 by Llewelyn Pritchard Smashwords Edition Copyright 2010 Llewelyn Pritchard Rooted Forever in History consists of Llewelyn Pritchard’s original research notes about previously classified British Government documents regarding the troubled History of Port Hope Simpson, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada from 1934 – 1947 including the full text of his speech to local folk in The Community Centre, Port Hope Simpson, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada 19th July 2002 Acknowledgements and Thanks Margaret Burden, Mayor and the Port Hope Simpson Town Council, Labrador Institute, Memorial University of Newfoundland Port Hope Simpson people past and present, Public Record Office of England, Wales & the United Kingdom) Senator William Rompkey, Voluntary Service Overseas. Introduction I would like to take this opportunity, before I say a few words about what has always puzzled me over the years about Port Hope Simpson, to say a big heart – felt thank you to Margaret Burden, The Mayor and The Town Council of Port Hope Simpson in sparing no expense to fly me out to your “Coming Home” celebration from 19th July - 27th July 2002...

  • Port Hope Simpson Off the Beaten Path Vol 2


    Port Hope Simpson Off the Beaten Path Vol 2
    Port Hope Simpson Off the Beaten Path Vol 2

    Port Hope Simpson Off the Beaten Path Vol 2 Series Title: Port Hope Simpson Mysteries Vol 8 by Llewelyn Pritchard Smashwords Edition Copyright 2010 Llewelyn Pritchard After 33 years my first sight of Port Hope Simpson from the air told me how much it had grown with a new bridge, main highway and airport 15 July – 28 August 2002...On the one hand, this journal tells the quite remarkable true story about the on-going search for justice on behalf of a young father Arthur Eric Williams aged 27 years and his infant daughter Erica d’Anitoff Williams aged 3 1⁄2 years who died in suspicious, acrimonious circumstances in Port Hope Simpson, Labrador, Newfoundland, Canada on the 3 February 1940. On the other hand, it chronicles Llewelyn Pritchard’s visits to Port Hope Simpson’s Come Home Celebrations and to the island of Newfoundland between 15 July - 28 August, 2002 as he also seeks to establish the facts about the cause(s) of the 2 unsolved deaths. Port Hope Simpson History Port Hope Simpson is situated about 12 miles inland on the banks of the Alexis River in eastern Labrador, Newfoundland, Canada. It is named after Sir John Hope Simpson, 23 July 1868 - 10 April 1961, Commissioner of Natural Resources and Acting-Commissioner of Justice, 1934-36 of the unelected, undemocratic Commission of Government that ruled Newfoundland from 1934 – 49. Sir John Hope Simpson had given his backing to John Osborn Williams and the Labrador Development Company Ltd to set-up a logger’s camp in Alexis Bay for cutting and exporting pitwood to Cardiff for the collieries of South Wales. It is therefore quite reasonable to assume that in return, he was invited by J. O. Williams, the owner of the Company to allow his name to be given to the place where the camp was first set-up. However, by so doing Sir John not only left himself open to accusations of favouritism in context of his official role for the Commission of Government 1934-1949 that ruled the island. Evidence also shows that he was also involved in a chain of events including lack of houses for the loggers and their families, lower than expected and unpaid loggers’ wages, suppression of an official report on loggers’ wages and a trading monopoly held by the Company store in Port Hope Simpson which meant the people were forced to live on credit and in poverty that debatably, contributed to the circumstances leading to the above two deaths. Sir John Hope Simpson is also known for having established the Newfoundland Rangers, a welfare and police force modelled on the RCMP that was supposed to link people, especially those of the outposts in Labrador, including Port Hope Simpson with The Commission of Government in St. John’s on the island of Newfoundland. However and most suspiciously, the majority of Newfoundland Ranger Clarence Dwyer’s Monthly Reports on the General Living Conditions in his district as well as the other Labrador Reports are missing from the Archives collection in St. John’s, Newfoundland & Labrador, Canada! C. Dwyer was the most likely Port Hope Simpson Ranger on duty when the deaths occurred in 1940... Dedication This book is dedicated to obtaining justice for Erica D’Anitoff Williams, three and a half years and her young father Arthur Eric Williams, 27 years who died in their Labrador Development Company home, Port Hope Simpson, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada in acrimonious, suspicious circumstances in the early hours of 3 February 1940. In 2002 the R.C.M.P (Royal Canadian Mounted Police) Serious Crimes Unit, Gander, Newfoundland opened up their own investigation about the deaths. If you know anything at all that may help get in touch.

  • The Port Hope Simpson Challenge


    The Port Hope Simpson Challenge
    The Port Hope Simpson Challenge

    The Port Hope Simpson Challenge Series Title: Port Hope Simpson Mysteries Vol 1 by Llewelyn Pritchard Smashwords Edition Copyright 2010 Llewelyn Pritchard Cover Photograph: l. John Osborn Williams born 25 March 1886, died 6 July 1963; owner and Managing Director of J.O. Williams and Company Limited, JAYO Shipping Company Limited and the Labrador Development Company Ltd r. Arthur Eric Williams (deceased) his eldest son born 13 July 1913 in Cardiff, died Saturday 3 February 1940 in Port Hope Simpson; eldest son of Mr J O and Mrs E Williams The Port Hope Simpson Challenge, Newfoundland & Labrador, Canada If you like climbing high mountains, get-rich-quick schemes, hoary tales, mysteries, political corruption and intrigue, problem-solving, puzzles or if you just fancy an extremely difficult challenge then please read on... Your first task is to read the following 6 Apparent Evidence Discrepancies that exist on the tombstone in Port Hope Simpson, a logging community on the southern Labrador coast in the Canadian province of Newfoundland & Labrador. Apparent Evidence Discrepancies that cast serious doubt about the truthfulness of the Inscription: ...The plot thickens!!! Dedication This book is dedicated to obtaining justice for Erica D’Anitoff Williams, three and a half years and her young father Arthur Eric Williams, 27 years who died in their Labrador Development Company home, Port Hope Simpson, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada in acrimonious, suspicious circumstances in the early hours of 3 February 1940. The R.C.M.P (Royal Canadian Mounted Police) Serious Crimes Unit, Gander, Newfoundland in 2002, opened up their own investigation about the deaths. If you know anything at all about what happened please do not hesitate in contacting your local RCMP detachment or the police force of jurisdiction in your area. If you live outside Canada, please contact your local police service and ask them to make a request for assistance from the appropriate Canadian law enforcement agency. The main RCMP website address is http:/ or Email me!

  • Tombstone



    Tombstone [The British Government’s Cover-Up] Port Hope Simpson, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada [Part 1/3] Series Title: Port Hope Simpson Mysteries [Vol 5a] Copyright 2012 by Llewelyn Pritchard Smashwords Edition What was really going on behind the scenes? For the first time, declassified official British Government papers shine new light on amongst other things, Government mismanagement as knowledge hidden by an incongruous granite tombstone in Port Hope Simpson, Newfoundland & Labrador, Canada marked the starting point for this unique history of development of a logging settlement in southern Labrador.

  • Wild Bay


    Wild Bay
    Wild Bay

    All is not as it seems to be!!! Wild Bay is a novel of historical fiction based on unique first-hand experience in Port Hope Simpson, Newfoundland & Labrador, Canada that offers great lessons in how you can come to terms with something that really bothers you whilst simultaneously gaining great personal satisfaction and benefits along the way. The best of both worlds! Or, looked at in another way, how you can endeavour to resolve a series of coincidences, puzzles, mysteries or most grave, serious issues in such a way that your work will maybe benefit others.(Disclaimer This book is a work of historical fiction and is not to be taken literally. If the reader sees similarities between characters in this work of fiction and people in real life, they should be thought of as merely coincidental.)

  • Right To The Top


    Right To The Top
    Right To The Top

    Right To The Top is the second of two novels of historical fiction based on unique first-hand experience in Port Hope Simpson, Labrador, Newfoundland, Canada that tells the continuing story of Richard Ap Meurig’s action adventures. Join him in his escapades as he seeks to right the wrongs of the past. The underlying lesson in both books is how you can come to terms with something that really bothers you whilst simultaneously gaining great personal satisfaction and benefits along the way. The best of both worlds! Or, looked at in another way, how you can endeavour to resolve a series of coincidences, puzzles, mysteries or most grave, serious issues in such a way that your work will maybe benefit others.(Disclaimer This book is a work of historical fiction and is not to be taken literally. If the reader sees similarities between characters in this work of fiction and people in real life, they should be thought of as merely coincidental.)

  • Port Hope Simpson Clues


    Port Hope Simpson Clues
    Port Hope Simpson Clues

    Port Hope Simpson Clues Series Title: Port Hope Simpson Mysteries Vol 4 By Llewelyn Pritchard Smashwords Edition Copyright 2010 Llewelyn Pritchard If you like solving puzzles and getting to grips with a real mystery why not join Llewelyn as he penetrates into the fascinating, murky and sordid past history of Port Hope Simpson, a coastal logging town on the east coast of wilderness Canada as he uncovers a great deal more than he bargained for? For example, at least 6 apparent evidence discrepancies cast serious doubt about the truthfulness of a Tombstone's inscription (still standing in The Town today as a Family Memorial to events that are still not really talked about openly...for whatever reason by the recent ancestors of the deceased - to Arthur Eric Williams 27 years Welshman and his infant daughter Erica D'Anitoff Williams, grand-daughter of Russian Count D'Anitoff. What really happened on one horrific night when the innocent three and a half year old infant girl and her 27 year old father died in most suspicious, acrimonious circumstances in the early hours of 3 February 1940 in a fire that burnt down their timber Company House in Port Hope Simpson, Labrador, Newfoundland, Canada? Eric, as he was known, was the eldest son of John Osborne Williams, owner of the Labrador Development Company Ltd logging company that operated in Port Hope Simpson from 1934 - 1941. He was sent out by his father to report on problems and issues particularly to do with the Company Store in Port Hope Simpson run by local Manager Keith Yonge...but he never returned. Was he was made to pay for the purported sins of his father? A Public Enquiry into the Affairs of the Labrador Development Company Ltd. was conducted in 1941. The results only became UK Government "Open Papers" in 1996. Maybe that says it all? The true cause of their deaths is still not yet established. Let's look for any relevant clues within for example, ‘The Times’ newspapers, London, England from 1934-39 whose articles also offer touches of humour; many different historical insights into the period under scrutiny including “The Crusaders” views of the Dominion of Government, certain Commissioners being recalled to London at crucially important times in context of the 2 deaths; surveying work of the Labrador coast as well as letters from the legendary Sir Wilfred T. Grenfell K.C., who was very angry with Sir John Hope Simpson, but was that only about another matter? Dedication This book is dedicated to obtaining justice for Erica D’Anitoff Williams, three and a half years and her young father Arthur Eric Williams, 27 years who died in their Labrador Development Company home, Port Hope Simpson, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada in acrimonious, suspicious circumstances in the early hours of 3 February 1940. The R.C.M.P (Royal Canadian Mounted Police) Serious Crimes Unit, Gander, Newfoundland in 2002, opened up their own investigation about the deaths. If you know anything at all about what happened please do not hesitate in contacting your local RCMP detachment or the police force of jurisdiction in your area. If you live outside Canada, please contact your local police service and ask them to make a request for assistance from the appropriate Canadian law enforcement agency. The main RCMP website address is http:/ or Email me!

  • Tombstone



    Tombstone [The British Government’s Cover-Up] Port Hope Simpson, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada [Part 2/3] Series Title: Port Hope Simpson Mysteries [Vol 5b] Copyright 2012 by Llewelyn Pritchard Smashwords Edition Declassified official British Government papers shine new light on amongst other things, Government mismanagement as knowledge hidden by an incongruous granite tombstone in Port Hope Simpson, Newfoundland & Labrador, Canada marked the starting point for this unique history of development of a logging settlement in southern Labrador.

  • Tombstone



    Tombstone [The British Government’s Cover-Up] Port Hope Simpson, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada [Part 3/3] Series Title: Port Hope Simpson Mysteries [Vol 5c] Copyright 2012 by Llewelyn Pritchard Smashwords Edition What was really going on behind the scenes? For the first time, declassified official British Government papers shine new light on amongst other things, Government mismanagement as knowledge hidden by an incongruous granite tombstone in Port Hope Simpson, Newfoundland & Labrador, Canada marked the starting point for this unique history of development of a logging settlement in southern Labrador.

  • Port Hope Simpson Clues, Newfoundland & Labrador, Canada


    Port Hope Simpson Clues, Newfoundland & Labrador, Canada
    Port Hope Simpson Clues, Newfoundland & Labrador, Canada

    Port Hope Simpson Clues, Newfoundland & Labrador, Canada Series Title: Port Hope Simpson Misteri Vol 4 By Llewelyn Pritchard Smashwords Edition Copyright 2010 Llewelyn Pritchard Se ti piace risolvere i puzzle e alle prese con un vero mistero perche non unirsi a Llewelyn mentre penetra nella storia affascinante, oscuro e sordido passato di Port Hope Simpson, una citta costiera di registrazione, sulla costa orientale del deserto Canada, come si scopre un grande affrontare piu di quanto si aspettasse? Per esempio, almeno 6 prove apparenti discrepanze pesare seri dubbi circa la veridicita di iscrizione una Tombstone (ancora in piedi nel cuore della citta oggi come un memoriale di famiglia per gli eventi che non sono ancora veramente parlato apertamente ... per qualunque motivo dagli antenati recenti del defunto) - di Arthur Eric Williams 27 anni gallese e il suo bambino figlia Erica D'Anitoff Williams, nipote del conte russo D'Anitoff. Che cosa e realmente accaduto in una notte terribile in cui gli innocenti tre anni e mezzo ragazza infantile anni e suo padre di 27 anni, e morto nella maggior parte dei casi sospetti, aspre nelle prime ore del 3 febbraio 1940 in un incendio che ha bruciato la loro casa di legno in azienda Port Hope Simpson, Labrador, Terranova, Canada? Eric, come era conosciuto, era il figlio maggiore di John Osborne Williams, proprietario della societa per lo sviluppo di registrazione Labrador Company Ltd che ha operato a Port Hope Simpson 1934-1941. Fu mandato dal padre a riferire sui problemi e le questioni in particolare a che fare con il Company Store a Port Hope Simpson gestito da Manager locale Keith Yonge ... ma lui non e piu tornato. Stava e stato fatto per pagare per i peccati presunti di suo padre? Un inchiesta pubblica negli affari dello Sviluppo Labrador Company Ltd. e stata condotta nel 1941. I risultati solo divenne Regno Unito di Stato "Papers Aperte" nel 1996. Forse questo dice tutto? La vera causa della loro morte non e ancora stato ancora stabilito. Guardiamo per eventuali indizi rilevanti all'interno, ad esempio, i giornali 'The Times', Londra, Inghilterra 1934-39 i cui articoli offrono anche tocchi di umorismo, molte intuizioni diverse storiche nel periodo in esame tra cui "The Crusaders" viste del Dominio di Governo, alcuni Commissari di essere richiamato a Londra, a volte di importanza cruciale nel contesto dei 2 decessi; rilievo lavoro della costa del Labrador e lettere dal leggendario Sir Wilfred Grenfell T. KC, che era molto arrabbiato con Sir John Hope Simpson, ma era che solo un altro discorso? Dedica Questo libro e dedicato a ottenere giustizia per Erica D'Anitoff Williams, tre anni e mezzo e il suo giovane padre Arthur Eric Williams, 27 anni che e morto nella propria casa Development Company Labrador, Port Hope Simpson, Terranova, Canada nel aspro, circostanze sospette nelle prime ore del 3 febbraio 1940. Il (Royal Canadian Mounted Police) RCMP Unità per i reati gravi, Gander, Terranova, nel 2002, ha aperto le proprie indagini per la morte. Se si conosce niente su quello che e successo non esitate a contattare il vostro distacco RCMP locale o le forze di polizia di competenza nella tua zona. Se vivete al di fuori del Canada, contattare il servizio di polizia locale e chiedere loro di effettuare una richiesta di assistenza da parte dell'agenzia appropriata applicazione della legge canadese. L'indirizzo del sito web principale RCMP e http:/ o Email me!

  • Port Hope Simpson Historic Logging Town


    Port Hope Simpson Historic Logging Town
    Port Hope Simpson Historic Logging Town

    Welcome to Port Hope Simpson a historic logging town in Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada located on the south side of the Alexis, an excellent salmon river in southern Labrador, Canada. It was initially founded in 1934 as a logging camp and was named after the English Commissioner of Natural Resources and Acting-Commissioner of Justice, Sir John Hope Simpson. This community has great natural assets nearby. Shinneys Water Complex makes up 2,500 square kilometres of over 1000 islands rising dramatically above sea level. These protected waters are ideal for all types of boating. The Labrador Coastal Drive, Route 510 is the southern driving route through this rugged and pristine region of Labrador, Canada. Come here to discover a pure land on the edge of the North Atlantic Ocean. Explore in the footsteps of ancient mariners, and the Native Americans who long preceded them. Meet today's residents and experience our heritage and the traditions that tie us to this place. A full range of quality visitor services are ready to make your stay comfortable and enjoyable. (Labrador Coastal Drive) Contents The Foundation of Port Hope Simpson as a Logging Town...p.1 Early Life of John Osborn Williams, owner of the Labrador Development Company Ltd...p.3 Port Hope Simpson’s early economic development...p.3 Let the celebrations begin!...p.4 Unsustainable early industrialization of the local forests...p.13 Housing shortage...p.17 Wages too low and often paid late...p.21 What was going on behind the scenes...p.24 Established facts about the tragedy in the early hours of 3 February 1940 - the basis upon which the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, (R.C.M.P.) Serious Crimes Unit, St. John's, Newfoundland decided to open-up their own investigation in August 2002 into what really happened...p.34 Port Hope Simpson’s sustainable development today ...p.35 References...p.54


Llewelyn Pritchard

Llewelyn's collection of books include the Series: UK Travel and Tourism Travel Handbooks Photo Albums Illustrated Diaries about European Budget Short-Break Holidays The Port Hope Simpson Diaries 1969-70 Port Hope Simpson Mysteries The Voluntary Service Overseas in Labrador and "Hidden Gem" written in honour of the staff of an Oncology Unit within a General Hospital in the National Health Service (N.H.S) in the United Kingdom (U.K.) Llewelyn has worked with The Honourable Canadian Senator William (Bill) Rompkey, on writing the history of the Voluntary Service Overseas (VSO) in Labrador. This is what Bill wrote in his letter to the first get- together of the VSO teachers at Pateley Bridge, North Yorkshire 1-3 August 2003, "...Labrador called to you and we are calling you now. I hope you will do what you can during these few days to fill in the Labrador record with your recollections and reflections. This too will be an important contribution to Labrador history. But mainly I hope you enjoy your time together. Llewelyn Pritchard has done a remarkable job in bringing you together. He is as shrewd as Holmes and as persistent as Poirot. He could even be a great Canadian! We owe him more than we can say. It's his event and I know it will be successful. All good wishes. Bill Rompkey"

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