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Violin I part of "William Tell" overture by Rossini for String Quartet: advanced level
Violin II part of "William Tell" overture by Rossini for String Quartet: advanced level
String Quartet: "William Tell" overture by Rossini (score): advanced level
Serie di e-book5 titoli

Guglielmo Tell - String Quartet Series

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Info su questa serie

Enhance your musical library with the "Guglielmo Tell" ("William Tell") overture, a masterpiece by Gioacchino Rossini, meticulously transcribed for string quartet (Violin I, Violin II, Viola, Cello) by Enrico Zullino. This transcription, tailored for advanced or intermediate level musicians, unfolds in the key of E and spans approximately 10.30 minutes, immersing players and audiences alike in Rossini's dramatic narrative and exhilarating melodies.
This particular eBook edition focuses exclusively on the Cello part, offering detailed notation and expressive markings to guide the performer through Rossini's musical landscape. It forms part of a comprehensive series, with single parts for each instrument and the complete full score available, enabling ensembles to fully realize this iconic work in its entirety.
Accompanying the musical notation, this eBook features informative prefaces in multiple languages, including English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, and Portuguese. These introductions provide valuable insights into the historical context of the overture, Rossini's life and works, and the transcription process undertaken by Zullino, enriching the performer's understanding and connection to the piece.
Ideal for musicians seeking to deepen their repertoire with a challenging yet rewarding piece, this eBook not only serves as a score but also as a bridge connecting diverse audiences to the rich cultural heritage of classical music through Rossini's timeless overture.
Data di uscita27 mag 2020
Violin I part of "William Tell" overture by Rossini for String Quartet: advanced level
Violin II part of "William Tell" overture by Rossini for String Quartet: advanced level
String Quartet: "William Tell" overture by Rossini (score): advanced level

Titoli di questa serie (5)

  • String Quartet: "William Tell" overture by Rossini (score): advanced level


    String Quartet: "William Tell" overture by Rossini (score): advanced level
    String Quartet: "William Tell" overture by Rossini (score): advanced level

    The "William Tell Overture" by Gioachino Rossini, meticulously transcribed for string quartet by Enrico Zullino, caters to both advanced and intermediate musicians. This arrangement presents a compelling challenge and an opportunity to delve into a masterpiece, segmented into parts for Violin I, Violin II, Viola, and Cello. With an approximate duration of 10 minutes and 30 seconds, it is set in the key of E. Individual parts are conveniently accessible within the series, facilitating focused practice and ensemble coordination.

  • Violin I part of "William Tell" overture by Rossini for String Quartet: advanced level


    Violin I part of "William Tell" overture by Rossini for String Quartet: advanced level
    Violin I part of "William Tell" overture by Rossini for String Quartet: advanced level

    Enhance your musical library with the "Guglielmo Tell" ("William Tell") overture, a masterpiece by Gioacchino Rossini, meticulously transcribed for string quartet (Violin I, Violin II, Viola, Cello) by Enrico Zullino. This transcription, tailored for advanced or intermediate level musicians, unfolds in the key of E and spans approximately 10.30 minutes, immersing players and audiences alike in Rossini's dramatic narrative and exhilarating melodies. This particular eBook edition focuses exclusively on the Violin I part, offering detailed notation and expressive markings to guide the performer through Rossini's musical landscape. It forms part of a comprehensive series, with single parts for each instrument and the complete full score available, enabling ensembles to fully realize this iconic work in its entirety. Accompanying the musical notation, this eBook features informative prefaces in multiple languages, including English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, and Portuguese. These introductions provide valuable insights into the historical context of the overture, Rossini's life and works, and the transcription process undertaken by Zullino, enriching the performer's understanding and connection to the piece. Ideal for musicians seeking to deepen their repertoire with a challenging yet rewarding piece, this eBook not only serves as a score but also as a bridge connecting diverse audiences to the rich cultural heritage of classical music through Rossini's timeless overture.

  • Violin II part of "William Tell" overture by Rossini for String Quartet: advanced level


    Violin II part of "William Tell" overture by Rossini for String Quartet: advanced level
    Violin II part of "William Tell" overture by Rossini for String Quartet: advanced level

    Enhance your musical library with the "Guglielmo Tell" ("William Tell") overture, a masterpiece by Gioacchino Rossini, meticulously transcribed for string quartet (Violin I, Violin II, Viola, Cello) by Enrico Zullino. This transcription, tailored for advanced or intermediate level musicians, unfolds in the key of E and spans approximately 10.30 minutes, immersing players and audiences alike in Rossini's dramatic narrative and exhilarating melodies. This particular eBook edition focuses exclusively on the Violin II part, offering detailed notation and expressive markings to guide the performer through Rossini's musical landscape. It forms part of a comprehensive series, with single parts for each instrument and the complete full score available, enabling ensembles to fully realize this iconic work in its entirety. Accompanying the musical notation, this eBook features informative prefaces in multiple languages, including English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, and Portuguese. These introductions provide valuable insights into the historical context of the overture, Rossini's life and works, and the transcription process undertaken by Zullino, enriching the performer's understanding and connection to the piece. Ideal for musicians seeking to deepen their repertoire with a challenging yet rewarding piece, this eBook not only serves as a score but also as a bridge connecting diverse audiences to the rich cultural heritage of classical music through Rossini's timeless overture.

  • Viola part of "William Tell" overture by Rossini for String Quartet: advanced level


    Viola part of "William Tell" overture by Rossini for String Quartet: advanced level
    Viola part of "William Tell" overture by Rossini for String Quartet: advanced level

    Enhance your musical library with the "Guglielmo Tell" ("William Tell") overture, a masterpiece by Gioacchino Rossini, meticulously transcribed for string quartet (Violin I, Violin II, Viola, Cello) by Enrico Zullino. This transcription, tailored for advanced or intermediate level musicians, unfolds in the key of E and spans approximately 10.30 minutes, immersing players and audiences alike in Rossini's dramatic narrative and exhilarating melodies. This particular eBook edition focuses exclusively on the Viola part, offering detailed notation and expressive markings to guide the performer through Rossini's musical landscape. It forms part of a comprehensive series, with single parts for each instrument and the complete full score available, enabling ensembles to fully realize this iconic work in its entirety. Accompanying the musical notation, this eBook features informative prefaces in multiple languages, including English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, and Portuguese. These introductions provide valuable insights into the historical context of the overture, Rossini's life and works, and the transcription process undertaken by Zullino, enriching the performer's understanding and connection to the piece. Ideal for musicians seeking to deepen their repertoire with a challenging yet rewarding piece, this eBook not only serves as a score but also as a bridge connecting diverse audiences to the rich cultural heritage of classical music through Rossini's timeless overture.v

  • Cello part of "William Tell" overture by Rossini for String Quartet: advanced level


    Cello part of "William Tell" overture by Rossini for String Quartet: advanced level
    Cello part of "William Tell" overture by Rossini for String Quartet: advanced level

    Enhance your musical library with the "Guglielmo Tell" ("William Tell") overture, a masterpiece by Gioacchino Rossini, meticulously transcribed for string quartet (Violin I, Violin II, Viola, Cello) by Enrico Zullino. This transcription, tailored for advanced or intermediate level musicians, unfolds in the key of E and spans approximately 10.30 minutes, immersing players and audiences alike in Rossini's dramatic narrative and exhilarating melodies. This particular eBook edition focuses exclusively on the Cello part, offering detailed notation and expressive markings to guide the performer through Rossini's musical landscape. It forms part of a comprehensive series, with single parts for each instrument and the complete full score available, enabling ensembles to fully realize this iconic work in its entirety. Accompanying the musical notation, this eBook features informative prefaces in multiple languages, including English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, and Portuguese. These introductions provide valuable insights into the historical context of the overture, Rossini's life and works, and the transcription process undertaken by Zullino, enriching the performer's understanding and connection to the piece. Ideal for musicians seeking to deepen their repertoire with a challenging yet rewarding piece, this eBook not only serves as a score but also as a bridge connecting diverse audiences to the rich cultural heritage of classical music through Rossini's timeless overture.

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