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Gioia del Business
Gioia del Business
Gioia del Business
Audiolibro4 ore

Gioia del Business

Scritto da Simone Milasas

Narrato da Erika Mangiapane

Valutazione: 0 su 5 stelle


Info su questo audiolibro

Come sarebbe se il BUSINESS fosse gioioso e divertente? Come sarebbe se ci fosse così tanto altro ancora rispetto a quello che hai sempre percepito possibile? Se stessi creando il tuo business dalla gioia, cosa sceglieresti? Cosa cambieresti? Se sapessi di non poter mai fallire cosa sceglieresti? Il business è gioia, è creazione, è generativa. Può essere l'avventura di vivere. Simone Milasas, dall'Australia è una leader di business dinamico differente.
Data di uscita30 ago 2022
Gioia del Business

Simone Milasas

Meet Simone:Hi, I’m Simone Milasas, entrepreneur, creator, creative business coach, international business owner and author. I love to talk about business and money. They are two of my favorite topics. And, for me, business has always been about changing people’s lives.Not so long ago, I was $187,000 in debt with not much to show for it. Today, I am the Worldwide Coordinator of Access Consciousness which operates in over 170 countries and the Founder and Creator of Joy of Business. I have completely changed my money situation and now work with people all over the world, offering a new, joyful possibility with business and money.If you think this doesn’t apply to you because you don’t own a business, you may wish to reconsider. If you wake up in the morning, you’re in business. Your life IS your business. This is not a dry run. What would you like to create?Tools to Get Started:If you’re anything like me, you’ve tried lots of things to try to fix wasn’t working. It wasn’t until I met Gary Douglas, founder of Access Consciousness, and discovered the pragmatic tools that Access offers, that things actually started to change. The tools I discovered are the tools that empower me to continuously create my life and living as greater and I am so grateful I can share them with you.If you’re ready to get started, there are so many tools available. If you are willing to utilize the resources that I offer and give yourself 12 months, you will receive amazing contribution.

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