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Il libro Avventure Ninja: Libro Ninja per bambini: Il Libro delle Scorregge Ninja sullo Skateboard - Vol. 4
Il libro Avventure Ninja: Libro Ninja per bambini: Il Libro delle Scorregge Ninja sullo Skateboard - Vol. 4
Il libro Avventure Ninja: Libro Ninja per bambini: Il Libro delle Scorregge Ninja sullo Skateboard - Vol. 4
E-book28 pagine

Il libro Avventure Ninja: Libro Ninja per bambini: Il Libro delle Scorregge Ninja sullo Skateboard - Vol. 4

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Con il bonus a sorpresa! Timmie ti porterà attraverso 15 storie mozzafiato di scorregge Ninja sullo Skate che sono tutte illustrate con figure colorate a fumetti. Essi stanno anche sperimentando le dimensioni più curiose e bizzarre della vita come la cultura pop divertente e bizzarra di Tokyo... ...e altre storie di skateboard scoreggia: * La nuova
EditoreInge Baum
Data di uscita6 set 2014
Il libro Avventure Ninja: Libro Ninja per bambini: Il Libro delle Scorregge Ninja sullo Skateboard - Vol. 4

Tmmie Guzzmann

Timmie has become a popular kid's fiction writer overnight and here he is sitting exploring yet another facette of the weird animal life. Like he did in the past, Timmie trusts the instincts of his dog the most because he knows that following the lead of his freaky dog has never really dissappointed him. This time Timmie is exploring the world of the jerkiest breeds like one horned horses AKA unicorns, humorous dogs and freaky cats, and he soon discovers that looking at these breeds from a totally different dimension is doing one big things for Timmie. His new perspective of watching the animal life is helping him see these animals in a totally new and akward dimension. To his surprise, Timmie pretty quickly learns that animals are just really big jerks when they are all by themselves and when they are thinking that nobody is watching them.

Correlato a Il libro Avventure Ninja

Sport e attività ricreative per bambini per voi

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