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GRADUATE PROGRAM: the best way to find yours - GRADUATESHIPS

GRADUATE PROGRAM: the best way to find yours - GRADUATESHIPS


GRADUATE PROGRAM: the best way to find yours - GRADUATESHIPS


14 minuti
20 gen 2021
Episodio podcast


The story of Palle lets us discover the world of Graduate Programs, through Graduateships.Bachelor and Master at Copenhagen Business School, Palle was always attracted by the tech sector. His career started in Malaysia at Nova Founders, a VC company trying to build internet companies in Asia. This first exposure to the startup world was eye-opening for Palle, that after graduation joined Uber to help the business expansion firstly in the UK and then in the incubation team in the States.Not everything was so smooth as it seems. During the last year of his Master, he was struggling in order to have an overview of all the possible graduate programs he can apply for. As a solution, with the help of some friends, he started to build a simple excel spreadsheet with all the possible offers from companies in Denmark. The spreadsheet went viral among university students and now that file changed its shape into, a complete universe for graduate programs.You can find everything you need to know about graduate programs and then apply for your dream job.With Palle we talk about:01:15 Palle's background02:30 Internship in Malaysia at Nova Founders----------03:05 Working at Uber: launching a company05:40 How to choose your career path----------06:35 Graduateships: how it started08:25 Everything you need to know about graduate programs10:25 What can you find on Graduateships.com12:00 How a graduate program works13:20 The best graduate programs right now available----------14:55 What's in the future of Graduateships15:45 Country availability for graduate programs16:15 General deadlines to applyGraduateships site: LinkedIn profile: Linkedin community: Instagram community: information or commercial inquiries:
20 gen 2021
Episodio podcast

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