Ville & Casali



Home, Sweet Home

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“There’s no place like home”. This phrase, from the song “Home, Sweet Home” by John Howard Payne, introducedin 1823 at Covent Garden in London, evokes the nostalgia for the family home, albeit a modest one, compared to the appeal of city palaces. A feeling which seems to be reborn with the pandemic, as shown by Ville&Casali’s October report on the Langhe, Roero and Montferrat. It is a return to the holiday home, even as an alternative to the city dwelling, by many people in Lombardy and Piedmont, not to mention Northern Europe and the US. A truly international phenomenon, as shown IN QUESTO NUMERO by two projects on Lake Como and Costa Brava.

According to a survey by the AstraRicerche institute on behalf of Sigma Coatings, two thirds of Italians dream about a multi-coloured home to bring out the features of every room. A trend particularly present in a seaside holiday home in Sicily, by the famous Bernardi architectural firm from Cortina di Ampezzo. Colour brightens up spaces and has such other effects as expanding or reducing them, or else warming or cooling them. Light can also have the same purposes, as may be appreciatedin other houses, such as a flat in Parioli renovated by architect Eleonora Vitellozzi. The “get inspired” heading in the last few months was precisely dedicated to Italian lighting design. Other solutions and lighting options may be discoveredin David Trubridge’s collections or the works of Milanese artist Andrea Fantinato. Both inspiredin nature and environmental sustainability. All in all, fireplaces give off light, but mostly heat. Six Italian and foreign architects present six exclusive projects for Ville&Casali readers.


The dream of living on lake Como

Nomade Architechts have renovated an old hotel in a private house for an American couple joining traditional

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