Ville & Casali



FEATURES Books 10 - Rendezvous 14 - Arts & Crafts 20 - Direct line 24 - Design hotel 28 - Shades 32 - Get inspired 60 - The Tavern 118 - Wine Resort 120 - Addresses 177 INTERIOR The Art Deco style is alive and well in a house in Barcelona 38 COUNTRY HOUSE Playful furnishings among the castles of the Loire 50 - From Geneva to Treviso to live in the countryside 66 - RENOVATE A modern house in dialogue with the sea 94 - FURNISH/BUILD Five designer kitchens 78 - Wall units 88 - Venetian floors 106 - The importance of roofs 114 REPORT The Etruscan Coast “a piece of Chianti lapped by the sea” 122 PROPERTY MARKET Tax breaks breathe new life into the Maremma 130 ESTATE AGENT’S WINDOW 141. ENGLISH ARTICLES 174.


How to furnish country homes today

continues from page 3

Let’s forget this difficult time that Europe is experiencing at least for one day and head to Genoa at the end of April to celebrate Nature with the exceptional ongoing exhibition of master impressionist Claude Monet’s work, not forgetting to visit Euroflora in the parks and museums of Nervi. Two events featured in this month’s Rendezvous column. This April edition of also includes the annual supplement Best of Gardens, a virtual love letter to our home’s green spaces and a guide that has become increasingly essential to our way of living. Monet claimed that: "my garden is my most beautiful work of art". In similar vein, the nine projects by European landscape architects featured in Best of Gardens are also the result of a dreamlike vision. Like Monet, who lived on the Seine but loved the countryside, the famous French interior designer Jean Louis Deniot loves staying in a farmhouse that he has recently furnished in the region of castles that is the Loire, explaining to , ”I wondered how to furnish a modern country house and I tried to bring the surrounding nature and countryside in. The colour palette is therefore natural, the shades of the earth: browns, ochres and sands”. This issue also tells the story of an Italian

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