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La scoperta del bambino
La scoperta del bambino
La scoperta del bambino
Audiolibro15 ore

La scoperta del bambino

Scritto da Maria Montessori

Narrato da Elda Olivieri

Valutazione: 0 su 5 stelle


Info su questo audiolibro

A settant'anni dalla morte dell'autrice, l'opera più celebre di Maria Montessori diventa audiolibro. Scopri i segreti alla base del celebre metodo educativo montessoriano, capace di “chiamare entro l'anima del fanciullo l'uomo che vi sta assopito”.

"La scoperta del bambino" è un'opera rivoluzionaria e accessibile che cambierà il modo in cui pensiamo all'infanzia e all'apprendimento.

Maria Montessori (1870-1952), celebre pedagogista, filosofa e neuropsichiatra infantile italiana, creò il metodo educativo che porta il suo nome, rivoluzionando la concezione e il metodo di apprendimento associato all'infanzia.

Data di uscita25 set 2023

Maria Montessori

Maria Montessori (1870-1952) was an Italian educator and physician. Born in Chiaravalle, she came from a prominent, well-educated family of scientists and government officials. Raised in Florence and Rome, Montessori excelled in school from a young age, graduating from technical school in 1886. In 1890, she completed her degree in physics and mathematics, yet decided to pursue medicine rather than a career in engineering. At the University of Rome, she overcame prejudice from the predominately male faculty and student body, winning academic prizes and focusing her studies on pediatric medicine and psychiatry. She graduated in 1896 as a doctor in medicine and began working with mentally disabled children, for whom she also became a prominent public advocate. In 1901, she left her private practice to reenroll at the University of Rome for a degree in philosophy, dedicating herself to the study of scientific pedagogy and lecturing on the topic from 1904 to 1908. In 1906, she opened her Casa dei Bambini, a school for children from low-income families. As word of her endeavor spread, schools using the Montessori educational method began opening around the world. In the United States, the publication of The Montessori Method (1912) in English and her 1913 lecture tour fostered a rapid increase of Montessori schools in the country. For her groundbreaking status as one of Italy’s first female public intellectuals and her role in developing a more individualized, psychologically informed approach to education, Maria Montessori continues to be recognized as one of the twentieth century’s most influential figures.

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