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La trappola
La trappola
La trappola
Audiolibro22 minuti

La trappola

Scritto da Luigi Pirandello

Narrato da Gaetano Marino

Valutazione: 5 su 5 stelle



Info su questo audiolibro

"La trappola" ci presenta il monologo interiore di un uomo che dialogo con un interlocutore immaginario.
Ascoltiamo così il protagonista della novella mentre definisce la vita come una grande trappola da cui è impossibile scappare.
Ma ben presto scoprirà che la vita non è l'unica trappola da cui gli uomini non riescono a scappare, ce n'è infatti un'altra molto più pericolosa....
Data di uscita1 ago 2018
La trappola

Luigi Pirandello

Luigi Pirandello (1867-1936) was an Italian playwright, novelist, and poet. Born to a wealthy Sicilian family in the village of Cobh, Pirandello was raised in a household dedicated to the Garibaldian cause of Risorgimento. Educated at home as a child, he wrote his first tragedy at twelve before entering high school in Palermo, where he excelled in his studies and read the poets of nineteenth century Italy. After a tumultuous period at the University of Rome, Pirandello transferred to Bonn, where he immersed himself in the works of the German romantics. He began publishing his poems, plays, novels, and stories in earnest, appearing in some of Italy’s leading literary magazines and having his works staged in Rome. Six Characters in Search of an Author (1921), an experimental absurdist drama, was viciously opposed by an outraged audience on its opening night, but has since been recognized as an essential text of Italian modernist literature. During this time, Pirandello was struggling to care for his wife Antonietta, whose deteriorating mental health forced him to place her in an asylum by 1919. In 1924, Pirandello joined the National Fascist Party, and was soon aided by Mussolini in becoming the owner and director of the Teatro d’Arte di Roma. Although his identity as a Fascist was always tenuous, he never outright abandoned the party. Despite this, he maintained the admiration of readers and critics worldwide, and was awarded the 1934 Nobel Prize for Literature.

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