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Una prateria divisa
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Una prateria divisa
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Una prateria divisa
E-book244 pagine

Una prateria divisa

Valutazione: 3.5 su 5 stelle



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Info su questo ebook

Storie della prateria: Libro 1

Dopo un anno trascorso alla scuola di medicina, Dakota Holden ritorna a casa per prendersi cura degli affari di famiglia a tempo pieno e aiutare suo padre a convivere con la sclerosi multipla. Devoto alla sua famiglia, Dakota si concede solo una settimana di vacanza all’anno, che trascorre in luoghi esotici a divertirsi più che può. Durante una crociera, Dakota stringe con Phillip Reardon un’amicizia che riempie un vuoto nella sua vita.

Quando Phillip decide di accettare il suo invito a visitare il ranch, Dakota è felice di rivederlo e di conoscere il suo amico veterinario, Wally Schumacher. Nonostante la tendenza di Wally ad aiutare i lupi a cui gli uomini di Dakota sparano per proteggere il bestiame, i due scoprono di avere molto in comune, inclusa una forte attrazione reciproca. Ma dovranno decidere se la prateria del Wyoming è grande abbastanza per il bestiame di Dakota, i lupi di Wally e il loro amore.

Data di uscita19 nov 2019
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Una prateria divisa

Andrew Grey

Andrew Grey is the author of well over 100 works of Contemporary Gay Romantic fiction. After twenty-seven years in corporate America, he has now settled down in Central Pennsylvania with his husband of more than twenty-five years, Dominic, and his laptop.  He is a recipient of the RWA Centennial Award, has a master’s degree from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, and now writes full-time.   Andrew currently lives in beautiful, historic Carlisle, Pennsylvania.

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Narrativa romantica LGBTQIA+ per voi

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Recensioni su Una prateria divisa

Valutazione: 3.4594595270270267 su 5 stelle

37 valutazioni2 recensioni

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  • Valutazione: 5 su 5 stelle
    This is another great book by Andrew Grey. A sweet story with normal, everyday characters that are both driven by a need to do what is right. Except, what each believes to be right, puts them into opposition where the discussion 'farm animals versus wild wolves' is concerned

    Dakota is easy to like. He is incredibly dedicated to his father, and making the the family farm a success. He hardly ever even takes a vacation. I loved his sense of loyalty and the care he takes with Wally, even though Wally has a very different point of view where the wolves that have been attacking the farm are concerned.

    Wally was just adorable. His determination to save the wolves, his love for the wild animals was clear, but he also began to see how a cattle owner might look at them. His growing love for Dakota didn't stop him from fighting for the wolves, and I was very relieved to see that they were able to work it all out in the end.

    I love how Andrew takes average people and shows how they can become extraordinary, given the right situation. His stories are never flashy, but always about the deeper human condition. I love that about them, and A Shared Range was no exception.
  • Valutazione: 3 su 5 stelle
    It's a solid 3 stars. I liked it, but it didn't blow me away.(No pun intended.) It's a sweet story. So why isn't it scored higher??? The characters fall in love WAY to quickly. Too lovely dovey for characters that just met in my opinion, so I found it a little to far fetched. Now if you like fairy tales you'll probably give it a higher score.