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E-book47 pagine33 minuti


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Andrew Carnegie, who died in 1919 at the age of 83, was a titan of the American steel industry. He was one of the most successful entrepreneurs in American history, and known as a great philanthropist. The essay presented in this book is about business and ingenuity, and the development of oneself as a person of business. Carnegie encourages business people to have a narrow focus, stating, "Subdivision, specialization, is the order of the day." Carnegie's lecture is sweeping and broad, and covers many topics of interest to entrepreneurs and businesspeople.
As one of the world's great businessmen, Carnegie's words are authoritative. This was a man who understood the world of business better than most, and it is a pleasure to read his opinions on the subject. While certainly not a textbook or a how-to guide, Carnegie's essay rather serves as a motivational piece, encouraging the reader to strive for their goals. The tips provided are useful and applicable, and this text should be required reading for any student of business.
Business is a short book and one that should be read by anybody interested in the world of business and entrepreneurship. It is a book that can easily be digested in one sitting but will likely stick with the reader for a lifetime. Carnegie was a master, and interested individuals would be wise to heed his advice.
Data di uscita27 apr 2016
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Andrew Carnegie

Andrew Carnegie (1835–1919) was a Scottish-American industrialist, railroad man, and steel magnate whose charitable giving and life philosophies (“The man who dies thus rich dies disgraced”) made him one of the most captivating figures in American history. After selling his Pittsburgh-based steel company to J. P. Morgan, Carnegie spent the remaining years of his life giving away roughly $350 million (the equivalent of almost $5 trillion today) to universities and charities around the world. A self-proclaimed positivist, his influence and beneficence are reflected in the names of institutions such as Carnegie Hall, Carnegie Mellon University, and the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.

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