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Bambini della ferrovia, I
Bambini della ferrovia, I
Bambini della ferrovia, I
Audiolibro5 ore

Bambini della ferrovia, I

Scritto da Edith Nesbit

Narrato da Silvia Cecchini

Valutazione: 5 su 5 stelle



Info su questo audiolibro

Questo libro per ragazzi, scritto nel 1906, è divenuto in seguito famoso per l’adattamento televisivo della BBC nel 1970. Di fatto, sono stati sei i vari adattamenti cinematografici, televisivi, e teatrali. La storia si svolge intorno ad una famiglia con tre bambini, che viene costretta, a causa di problemi economici, a trasferirsi in campagna, accanto ad una ferrovia. Intorno alla ferrovia si snodano gli avvenimenti comuni e non dei tre ragazzini.Il libro, e sempre leggero, tocca il cuore dei lettori grandi e piccoli con una delicatezza che non toglie nulla all’intensità dei sentimenti suscitati. Edith Nesbit, famosa scrittrice per bambini, e madre lei stessa di cinque figli, fu anche impegnata politicamente, spinta dai suoi ideali umanitari. Cornice musicale: Kevin MacLeod.
Data di uscita26 giu 2013
Bambini della ferrovia, I

Edith Nesbit

Edith Nesbit (1858-1924) was an English writer of children’s literature. Born in Kennington, Nesbit was raised by her mother following the death of her father—a prominent chemist—when she was only four years old. Due to her sister Mary’s struggle with tuberculosis, the family travelled throughout England, France, Spain, and Germany for years. After Mary passed, Edith and her mother returned to England for good, eventually settling in London where, at eighteen, Edith met her future husband, a bank clerk named Hubert Bland. The two—who became prominent socialists and were founding members of the Fabian Society—had a famously difficult marriage, and both had numerous affairs. Nesbit began her career as a poet, eventually turning to children’s literature and publishing around forty novels, story collections, and picture books. A contemporary of such figures of Lewis Carroll and Kenneth Grahame, Nesbit was notable as a writer who pioneered the children’s adventure story in fiction. Among her most popular works are The Railway Children (1906) and The Story of the Amulet (1906), the former of which was adapted into a 1970 film, and the latter of which served as a profound influence on C.S. Lewis’ Narnia series. A friend and mentor to George Bernard Shaw and H.G. Wells, Nesbit’s work has inspired and entertained generations of children and adults, including such authors as J.K. Rowling, Noël Coward, and P.L. Travers.

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