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Pensa in Italiano! Think in Italian! Carte 1-50
Pensa in Italiano! Think in Italian! Carte 1-50
Pensa in Italiano! Think in Italian! Carte 1-50
E-book143 pagine30 minuti

Pensa in Italiano! Think in Italian! Carte 1-50

Valutazione: 3.5 su 5 stelle



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Info su questo ebook

Think in Italian is a little introduction to the Italian language directly in Italian. As you will notice, by using this book, there are not translations of the sentences in English...Why? Because the goal of this book is to let you Think in Italian as much as possible. Besides, if you understand everything is written thanks to pictures, what do you need translations for?
Consider Think in Italian mostly like a collection of flash cards in Italian. There are fifty. Each of them includes words, expressions and sentences commonly used in the Italian language.

How can you use these cards? Go and download the FREE audio at the provided link. The first time, listen to the audio as you read and look at the cards.In each card there's a question. Make an intelligent guess before looking at the answer after the symbol ~. Answer as fast as you can. Doing this will activate the right part of your brain, the one in charge for automatic responses. This way the acquiring of the language will be easier. At this point check the answer. Practise as often as you can and for brief periods. Take your ebook reader with you and use Think in Italian every time you have the chance to.

Remember that the idea is to Think in Italian and to avoid your mother tongue.
Have fun with Think in Italian!

Data di uscita26 gen 2012
Pensa in Italiano! Think in Italian! Carte 1-50

Antonio Libertino

Imagine how you will feel by speaking another language, a different one than yours. Sense all the feelings you can feel. You will listen to yourself uttering different and pleasant sounds. You will see people astounded around you because of this new skill of yours. Will you be excited? Happy? Of course you will be!I will be excited for you too, because for me it is so rewarding to see people, who couldn't speak a word before, conversing in my own language. That is the real joy for me and I mean it from the heart.I am Antonio Libertino, born and lived in Tropea, Italy and I share with you a passion for foreign languages and world cultures.It all begun when I realised that I couldn't communicate with a foreign girl I fell in love with, if I didn't know at least English. What did I do? I took the first cassette course I could find and started learning as fast as I could. I was really motivated to do that. What am I suggesting? That you should get an Italian boyfriend or girlfriend? That wouldn't be a bad idea too, but there are a lot of other ways to learn my language. And I can reveal them to you at your place.I went on, I learned how to speak English. That love story was over, but it started my passion for foreign languages and cultures. Then the director of an Italian school for foreigners asked me to teach Italian in his school. I asked: "How am I going to do that?". "I'll give you the book", he said. I soon realised it wasn't with just a book that I could teach people...I wanted to teach people and to let them feel at ease.During the years, I went on teaching in that school, till I decided to work on my own. The teaching passion brought me to obtain the Ditals certificate Level II which is issued by the University of Siena for Foreigners, and it tests theoretical and practical knowledge of candidates in the fields of teaching Italian to foreigners.Sometimes it seems that an invisible force guides you to develop your passions and discover tricks and secrets to learn and teach a language.We can't deny we are living a learning revolution and especially in learning languages: we can't use anymore the teaching methods we used ten years ago. Today we have multimedia computers, internet, cd-roms, skype and learning a new language is so easy!Are you ready to speak my language?Knowledge is power and can also be fun if you know how to learn.

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Pensa in Italiano! Think in Italian! Carte 1-50 - Antonio Libertino

FERMATI!!! Prima leggi questo!

Per usare questo libro al meglio hai bisogno dei relativi audio file. Per scaricare gli audio GRATUITAMENTE vai alla fine di questo libro oppure cercali sul mio canale YOUTUBE (italianoinitalia). Sono davvero gratuiti: dopotutto questo libricino è un modo per farti conoscere una parte del mio lavoro. Le recensioni sono sempre gradite, ma non sono richieste in alcun modo.

Ho fatto i disegni personalmente. In alcuni giorni ero più ispirato, in altri mi sono ispirato liberamente con immagini viste su internet ( 44 e 47 ad esempio), e in altri ancora mi sentivo come un bambino piccolo che disegnava. I disegni NON vogliono essere un capolavoro, servono solo a darti un indizio per ricordare l’espressione e per mostrarti come tu puoi creare i tuoi disegni per le tue prossime carte dell’italiano.


To use this book the way it was conceived you need the related audio files. To download the audio files for FREE go to the end of this book or look for them on my YOUTUBE channel (italianoinitalia). That’s really free, no strings attached: after all this booklet is a way to let you know a part of my work. Reviews are always welcome, but not in any way required.

I drew the drawing myself. Some days I was more inspired, some days I just freely inspired myself with pictures seen on the internet (44 and 47 for instance), and in some others I was feeling a little child while drawing. Drawings are NOT intended to be a masterpiece, they are only intended to give you a cue in order to remember the expression, and to show you how you can create your own drawings for your future Italian flash cards.

* * * * *


***Read this paragraph in English***

Pensa in Italiano è una piccola introduzione alla lingua italiana direttamente in italiano. Come noterai, usando questo libro, non ci sono traduzioni delle frasi in lingua inglese...Perché? Perché l’obiettivo di questo libro è di farti pensare il più possibile in italiano. E poi a cosa servono le traduzioni se puoi capire tutto quello che c’è scritto grazie alle immagini?

Considera Pensa in italiano come una raccolta di flash card in italiano. Ce ne sono cinquanta (50). Ognuna di esse include parole,

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