Ville & Casali


Thus, they create lifestyle options for those who live in the city". On the other hand, managing your business from home, immersed in the tranquility of a green environment and in the serenity of your home, is a source of creative and productive energy.

Hence the search for outdoor spaces and new residential dimensions in a wider ambiance, which are more difficult to find in urban areas. Ultimately, "the distancing and the fear of contagion have done the rest - concludes the expert - and here the market, while leaving aside the numbers and values of sales from the early 2000s, is filling the vacuum by bringing the Italians): "We have received an impressive request for tourist rentals that have been met only minimally, because we lack the weekend culture and there are no holiday homes; the villas have been rented since the beginning of the year". If summer rentals prove to be a predominant trend, the request for purchasing a dream home in the Piacenza valleys follows the pattern of those properties suitable for the entire summer.

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