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Diario del seduttore
Diario del seduttore
Diario del seduttore
E-book159 pagine

Diario del seduttore

Valutazione: 3.5 su 5 stelle



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Pubblicato per la prima volta nel 1843 il Diario del seduttore mette in scena il raffinato gioco di un seduttore psichico fuori dal comune. Si racconta la trama sottile in cui il protagonista Giovanni avvolge la giovane Cordelia per conquistarla e subito dopo abbandonarla alla sua logorante disperazione.La seduzione è per lui arte; egli non gode del possesso, ma della rappresentazione della conquista, il suo obbiettivo è il dominio e il soggiogamento psicologico dell’amata. La riuscita della seduzione, nel comportare la fine del gioco, determina così per lui anche la cessazione del piacere.

“Amarne una sola è troppo poco, amarle tutte è superficialità. Conoscere se stessi e amarne quante più possibili…questo è godimento, questo è vivere”
Data di uscita3 dic 2015
Diario del seduttore

Soren Kierkegaard

Søren Kierkegaard (1813–1855) lived in Copenhagen, Denmark. His books include Works of Love and Spiritual Writings (translated and edited by George Pattison).

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Valutazione: 3.579166645 su 5 stelle

120 valutazioni3 recensioni

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  • Valutazione: 4 su 5 stelle
    How sincere was K? I think he was very!
  • Valutazione: 4 su 5 stelle
    Actually read this as a part of the Either/Or Volume I. Diary of one of the most despicable people I've come across in a literary sense.
  • Valutazione: 5 su 5 stelle
    5 stars? Really though, I had such a hard time putting this one down I've literally spent the last five days reading the final three pages because I don't want it to end :(It truly is a masterpiece on aesthetics and the true follies of a passionate relationship between a young man and a younger girl. Love is fleeting, as much as Søren Kierkegaard's clever character named: 'Johannes' hates to admit, he wrote an entire diary about it but with a cunnilingus, I mean cunning yet charming style that could only be pulled off in the 19th century yet so many of the affairs of the heart presented are still very true to this day. Brilliant, absolute classic. thank you penguin, yet again. If only I had met your GreatIdeas/GreatLoves series earlier in my life. Still...I've managed with the American canon quite well............Kierkegaard, the witty devil he is, sneaks in his own synposis on the book he just wrote for the final sentence:"Nevertheless, it would really be wothwhile knowing whether one couldn't poetize oneself out of a girl, whether one couldn't make her so proud that she imagined it was she who had wearied of the relationship. It could become a quite interesting epilogue, which in its own right might be of psychological interest, and besides that, enrich one with many erotic observations."PS if you read it without the intense edge of knowing that it's based on a true story just purposely made with a more evil edge, than you may not enjoy it as much.

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Diario del seduttore - Soren Kierkegaard

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