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Pubblicato nel 1918, Frankenstein ha gettato le basi della moderna fantascienza.
Il giovane Viktor Frankenstein si reca all’Università di Ingostadt coltivando l’utopia della creazione di un essere umano più intelligente e longevo.
Dopo notti insonni, ripetute ricerche negli ossari e frenetici esperimenti, origina un essere più grande del normale con sembianze deformi, da cui rifugge non appena questi prende vita.

Il dramma di uno scienziato che oltrepassa il limite umanamente consentito e l’indicibile solitudine della creatura da lui generata che sfoga nella violenza la sofferenza per la propria diversità.

Mary Shelley (Londra 1797 – 1851), scrittrice inglese, è nota soprattutto come autrice del romanzo gotico Frankenstein
Data di uscita29 dic 2015

Mary Shelley

Mary Wollstonecraft Godwin was born in 1797, the daughter of two of the leading radical writers of the age. Her mother died just days after her birth and she was educated at home by her father and encouraged in literary pursuits. She eloped with and subsequently married the Romantic poet Percy Bysshe Shelley, but their life together was full of hardship. The couple were ruined by disapproving parents and Mary lost three of her four children. Although its subject matter was extremely dark, her first novel Frankenstein (1818) was an instant sensation. Subsequent works such as Mathilda (1819), Valperga (1823) and The Last Man (1826) were less successful but are now finally receiving the critical acclaim that they deserve.

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