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GAME OF PAWNS: Gino Ranno Takes Control
Serie di e-book2 titoli

Gino Ranno

Valutazione: 0 su 5 stelle


Info su questa serie

The Bronx streets are getting increasingly narrow as different nationalities of mob families are fighting for more than their fair share of illegal, money-making activities. First, Gino had to stand down Colombian drug lords, then Albanians, and now Russians, who think they can muscle their way into Gino's territory in a high stakes GAME OF

Data di uscita23 giu 2016
GAME OF PAWNS: Gino Ranno Takes Control

Titoli di questa serie (2)




    Lucho Gonzales, a drug dealer from Colombia with a penchant for sex and murder, has no friends- only the wild companionship of a few psychotic men who dare to do his dirty work, and a family too scared of his temper to do anything else. When Gino and his on-again, off-again girlfriend Lisa cross paths with Lucho, they inwittingly upset t

  • GAME OF PAWNS: Gino Ranno Takes Control


    GAME OF PAWNS: Gino Ranno Takes Control
    GAME OF PAWNS: Gino Ranno Takes Control

    The Bronx streets are getting increasingly narrow as different nationalities of mob families are fighting for more than their fair share of illegal, money-making activities. First, Gino had to stand down Colombian drug lords, then Albanians, and now Russians, who think they can muscle their way into Gino's territory in a high stakes GAME OF


Louis Romano

Born in The Bronx in 1950 Romano's writing career began at age 58 with Fish Farm. Then INTERCESSION, a bloody revenge thriller, which earned him the title of 2014 Foreword Review Top Finalist. BESA, winning six international film awards for its screenplay (2012 Winner: NYLA Int. Film Festival; 2012 Winner: California Film Awards; Winner: Bloody Hero Int. Film Festival; 2013 Winner: Paradigm Script Pipeline; 2013 Winner: Best Script Honolulu Film Awards) has been translated into Albanian from which the word BESA is derived. It means the 'promise' or 'code'... an organized crime novel. Romano has 19 published novels.

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Criminalità organizzata per voi

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