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Cime tempestose
Cime tempestose
Cime tempestose
Audiolibro11 ore

Cime tempestose

Scritto da Emily Brontë

Narrato da Silvia Cecchini

Valutazione: 5 su 5 stelle



Info su questo audiolibro

Wuthering Heights, nel suo titolo originale, è l'unico romanzo di Emily Brontë. Venne pubblicato nel 1847 sotto uno pseudonimo, per cui inizialmente fu attribuito alla sorella Charlotte. Il libro è ora considerato un classico della letteratura inglese, ma a suo tempo la critica non fu molto favorevole. La struttura del racconto si svolgeva , per quei tempi, su eccessivi piani di realtà, struttura che lo rende invece affascinante per il gusto moderno. Infatti Cime tempestose ha ispirato molti adattamenti televisivi e cinematografici. Cornice musicale di Kevin Mac Leod.
Data di uscita10 lug 2012

Emily Brontë

Emily Brontë (1818-1848) was an English novelist and poet known famously for her only novel, Wuthering Heights. The work was originally published in a three-volume set alongside the work of her sister Anne. Due to the politics of the time, she and her sister were given the names Ellis and Acton Bell as pseudonyms. It wasn’t until 1850 that their real names were printed on their respective works. The initial reception of Wuthering Heights by the public was not favorable. Many readers were confused by the novel structure—they had not previously encountered a frame narrative (story-within-a-story) as unique as that of Wuthering Heights. Emily Brontë died from tuberculosis at age thirty, only a year after the publication of her landmark book. Alas, she didn’t live long enough to revel in its legacy; the book later became an iconic work of English literature.

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