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Amo lavarmi i denti I Love to Brush My Teeth (Italian English Bilingual Edition): Italian English Bilingual Collection
Amo lavarmi i denti I Love to Brush My Teeth (Italian English Bilingual Edition): Italian English Bilingual Collection
Amo lavarmi i denti I Love to Brush My Teeth (Italian English Bilingual Edition): Italian English Bilingual Collection
E-book36 pagine8 minuti

Amo lavarmi i denti I Love to Brush My Teeth (Italian English Bilingual Edition): Italian English Bilingual Collection

Valutazione: 3.5 su 5 stelle



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Italian English Bilingual children's book. Perfect for kids studying English or Italian as their second language. 

Al piccolo Jimmy non piaceva lavarsi i denti. Anche quando la mamma gli diede uno spazzolino nuovo arancione, il suo colore preferito, non lo utilizzava come doveva. Ma quando al piccolo Jimmy iniziarono a succedere delle cose strane e magiche, cominciò a capire l'importanza del lavare i denti. 
Amo lavarmi i denti è una storia deliziosa piena di splendide immagini per attirare l'attenzione dei più piccolo. Se il tuo bambino ha delle difficoltà nell'imparare a lavare i denti, allora questo è un libro da leggere insieme.

Little Jimmy doesn't like to brush his teeth. Even when his mother gives him a brand new orange toothbrush, his favorite color, he doesn't use it like he is supposed to. But when strange and magical things start happening to Little Jimmy, he begins to realize how important brushing his teeth can be. 
I love to brush my teeth is a delightful story full of beautiful illustrations sure to get your little ones attention. If your child is having difficulty learning to brush their teeth then this is the book for you to share together. 

Data di uscita10 lug 2015
Amo lavarmi i denti I Love to Brush My Teeth (Italian English Bilingual Edition): Italian English Bilingual Collection

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Recensioni su Amo lavarmi i denti I Love to Brush My Teeth (Italian English Bilingual Edition)

Valutazione: 3.5833333333333335 su 5 stelle

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  • Valutazione: 4 su 5 stelle
    Children's Book: I Love to Brush My Teeth (Jimmy and a Magical Toothbrush - Kids book for ages 2-6) (Bedtime stories children's books collection) by Shelley AdmantThis children's book has few pictures but the ones there are very colorful. Each of the three bunnies has a favorite color and everything they have is that color.Jimmy loves orange and one morning each of them gets a new toothbrush. It is magical and knows if you brushed your teeth. It talks to Jimmy and tries to get him to brush his teeth and tells him what will happen if he does not-teeth will turn yellow and a terrible odor in his mouth and food will not go in his mouth.Jimmy throws the toothbrush into a corner in the bathroom to get rid of it. He goes to eat his breakfast....The sandwich jumped into his brothers plate and Jimmy bit his fingers instead...Not only that but other food his mother tried to give him, then he goes out to play with his friends...He knows what he has to do next...Other books of the author are highlighted at the end.

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Amo lavarmi i denti I Love to Brush My Teeth (Italian English Bilingual Edition) - Shelley Admont

Era mattino e il sole splendeva nella lontana foresta. Lì, in una piccola casetta, insieme ai suoi genitori e ai suoi due fratelli più grandi, viveva il coniglietto Jimmy.

Morning came and the sun was shining in the faraway forest. There, in a small house, lived little bunny Jimmy, with his parents and two older brothers.

La mamma entrò nella cameretta di Jimmy e dei suoi fratelli.

Mom came into the room that Jimmy shared with his brothers.

Prima diede un bacio al più grande, che dormiva serenamente nel suo letto blu. Poi diede un bacio all’altro fratello, che ancora dormiva nel suo letto

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