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Brass Quintet: La Danza tarantella by Rossini (score & parts): Les soirées musicales
Brass Quintet: La Danza tarantella by Rossini (score & parts): Les soirées musicales
Brass Quintet: La Danza tarantella by Rossini (score & parts): Les soirées musicales
E-book46 pagine

Brass Quintet: La Danza tarantella by Rossini (score & parts): Les soirées musicales

Valutazione: 5 su 5 stelle



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Experience the vivacious rhythms and spirited melodies of Gioacchino Rossini's "La Danza" from "Les soirées musicales," brilliantly arranged for Brass Quintet by Francesco Leone. This intermediate-level arrangement encapsulates the fiery essence and Italian flair of Rossini's tarantella, providing a dynamic and engaging challenge for brass musicians.
This eBook meticulously presents the full score and parts for a standard brass quintet configuration: two B-flat Trumpets, French Horn in F, Trombone, and Tuba. Each part is carefully crafted to ensure that the quintet can fully express the energetic and rhythmic complexity of "La Danza," making it a thrilling addition to any performance repertoire.
Understanding the diverse nature of brass ensembles, additional parts are included for E-flat Horn and Trombone in treble clef. These optional parts offer ensembles the flexibility to adapt the piece to their specific instrumentation and individual player strengths, further enhancing the arrangement's accessibility and performance potential.
An audio demonstration is available at, providing an essential resource for ensembles to familiarize themselves with the arrangement's tempo, dynamics, and stylistic nuances. This demo is invaluable for both rehearsal preparation and individual practice, helping musicians to achieve a polished and cohesive rendition of Rossini's work.
"La Danza" arranged for brass quintet is more than just sheet music; it's an opportunity to delve into the joyous and exuberant world of one of Italy's most celebrated composers. Whether for concert settings, educational purposes, or personal enjoyment, this eBook promises to inspire and delight performers and audiences alike with its infectious energy and impeccable craftsmanship.
Data di uscita15 giu 2020
Brass Quintet: La Danza tarantella by Rossini (score & parts): Les soirées musicales

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