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Oboe part of "Il viaggio a Reims" for Woodwind Quintet: (The Journey to Reims) overture
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Oboe part of "Il viaggio a Reims" for Woodwind Quintet: (The Journey to Reims) overture
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Oboe part of "Il viaggio a Reims" for Woodwind Quintet: (The Journey to Reims) overture
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Oboe part of "Il viaggio a Reims" for Woodwind Quintet: (The Journey to Reims) overture

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Oboe part of ""Il viaggio a Reims"(The Journey to Reims) overture from the opera by Gioacchino Rossini, complete transcription for Woodwind Quintet (Flute, Oboe, Bb Clarinet, French Horn in F and Bassoon - advanced level) by Enrico Zullino . Others parts and score available separately. Duration 7.00 min.

  • "Il viaggio a Reims" does not have an overture. Its so-called overture, derived from a set of dances in Le siège de Corinthe (1826), one of which Rossini had reworked from the dances in the finale to Il viaggio a Reims,is a twentieth-century invention or an erroneous attribution. It was published in Milan, in 1938, in a revision by Giuseppe Piccioli, which was first performed in the Teatro alla Scala, on 5 November 1938, conducted by Richard Strauss. It was later also recorded repeatedly as the alleged overture of Il viaggio a Reims, until it was finally possible to reconstruct the original score of the opera. The attributed overture remains one of Rossini's most recorded works, infusing a grand and elegant style with heavy orchestral power.
Data di uscita25 ott 2021
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Oboe part of "Il viaggio a Reims" for Woodwind Quintet: (The Journey to Reims) overture

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