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BG Bird's La Favola Belgradese
BG Bird's La Favola Belgradese
BG Bird's La Favola Belgradese
E-book24 pagine2 minuti

BG Bird's La Favola Belgradese

Valutazione: 0 su 5 stelle


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BG Bird se seća koliko je volela da prespava kod bake.

Uvek je bilo dovoljno vremena za priče. Posebno pred spavanje. Najdraža joj je bila bajka o tome kako je nastao njen grad Beograd. Ali bilo je tu još nečega što joj se još više dopalo.

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Data di uscita24 feb 2022
BG Bird's La Favola Belgradese

Nada Serafimovic

With a master's degree in book design and illustration, Nada Serafimovic has worked on books for many different countries. She believes children's books should not only be fun to read, but add something good to their personalities, too. She invented the BgBird character as an excuse to tell stories partly from her own life, but mostly to be a good influence on both children and adults, alike. Traveling as a digital nomad and freelance illustrator for the last few years has given her wings and eyes to see the world with a new empathy. Something that transferred into her storytelling and adds to her amazing talent for bringing characters to life on the page. Nada lives in Belgrade, Serbia, and loves to experience the life and culture of other countries, as well. You can find out more about her work and travels over and

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    BG Bird's La Favola Belgradese - Nada Serafimovic

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