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How to learn Italian for Beginners: Favole di Esopo - Italian Version (Italian Edition)
How to learn Italian for Beginners: Favole di Esopo - Italian Version (Italian Edition)
How to learn Italian for Beginners: Favole di Esopo - Italian Version (Italian Edition)
Audiolibro1 ora

How to learn Italian for Beginners: Favole di Esopo - Italian Version (Italian Edition)

Scritto da Mary Savage

Narrato da Maia Salvato

Valutazione: 0 su 5 stelle


Info su questo audiolibro

Aesop's Fables - Italian Version

If you are planning a trip to Italy this summer or if you just want to learn a new language then you have come to the right audiobook on how to learn Italian. This audiobook will open your eyes to a whole new language in a way that you have never seen before. You will learn the Italian langiage through the Aesop Fables translated and narrated in Italian.

Although this audiobook is tailored for the beginner, it is fully detailed with information that is useful to construct words and sentences. You will also see and learn the different grammar, pronunciation, nouns, adverbs, etc. You will also learn specific phrases to say that will help you to ask questions or what to say in certain situations.

The information within this audiobook was intricately designed with the beginning learner in mind. You will also be happy to know that there are English translations for all of the words, phrases, and idioms that are within this audiobook. That way you will never have to guess about what something means or worrying about being confused. This audiobook provides you with all you need to know to ensure that you are successful.

Even if you’ve never studied this language, you can learn to speak Italian in just 10 days. Instead of memorizing vocabulary words, work your way through an actual well-written novel

If you want to learn more about the Italian language... then simply click the "BUY NOW" button on this page to get started!

Data di uscita18 mag 2020
How to learn Italian for Beginners: Favole di Esopo - Italian Version (Italian Edition)

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