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Self Publishing - Create, Promote and Sell your book on 102 websites !!!
Self Publishing - Create, Promote and Sell your book on 102 websites !!!
Self Publishing - Create, Promote and Sell your book on 102 websites !!!
E-book67 pagine25 minuti

Self Publishing - Create, Promote and Sell your book on 102 websites !!!

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You've just created a book (or an e-book) and now you want to make it known to the whole world?
Do you want to promote your own work, becoming bestselling author?
Do you want to publish your book without surrendering your rights to a publisher ?

Here is the guide you need to become a bestselling author!
Written by the author of the book "WordPress from A to W" and founder of "Il Bloggatore" (one of the most important websites in Italy on information technology)!

You have worked so hard to create your book and now you want to distribute as many copies as possible???
In short, do you want to be a SELF PUBLISHER ???

Well, if you are hungry for knowledge, then you're in the right place!

This is NOT the usual guide full of useless words! Here you'll find only CONTENT!
In this book you'll find the direct experience of an author who has chosen the way of self-publishing, making known his book to as many readers as possible!

In this book you'll discover:
- What is self publishing and what are the advantages for the self-produced author;
- What you need to distribute your book or ebook;
- What are the best services for self-publishing;
- What are the best online markets;
- And finally, what are the 102 websites for selling and promoting your work (useful both for your paper book and for your electronic book)!

Written in a clear and organized, this edition is designed to meet the needs of all the authors who really want to get success!

Special Price!
Limited Time!

So what are you waiting for? Download your copy!

More information are available on the author's website:
Data di uscita8 feb 2014
Self Publishing - Create, Promote and Sell your book on 102 websites !!!

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    Self Publishing - Create, Promote and Sell your book on 102 websites !!! - Roberto Travagliante



    Dear reader, let me guess: have you just created a book and now do you want to make it known to the whole world?

    Are You completing your work and do you wish to promote yourself, becoming, as they say, "businessman yourself"?

    Do you want to publish your book without surrendering your rights to a publishing house?

    Have you worked so hard to build your book and now do you want to distribute as many copies as possible, gaining and paying back the effort and, at the same time, achieving the success you deserve?

    In short, do you want to be a SELF-PUBLISHER???

    Well, if your hunger for knowledge and your thirst for knowledge have brought you this far, then you're in the right place!

    So get ready! Because I have two news for you, a good and bad!

    The bad news is that if you feel you've done enough by creating your book and now you intend to get some rest, then you must change idea! You must know that it is not as you think!

    That is, if you believe that someone will promote your book for you, then you should better abandon self-publishing. You can play golf, soccer, and so on...

    Forgive the harshness of my words, but if you think that other people would prefer to promote your book better than you, then be careful, because you’ll probably get a big disappointment!

    The good news, however, is that you're in the right place!

    You have just decided to read this practical guide to self-promotion and publishing of books, whose main objective is to provide, to all those who made​​an e-book and / or a paper book and wish to obtain the best, a set of useful tools to better promote their work.

    What you are about to read is not just another book full of theoretical concepts that are not related to reality. Instead, it is a reference guide, easy to read and easy to use, to promote a book (and / or an e-book) in a practical and effective way.

    In fact, I would call it a handbook for the author.

    Making your book famous is the most important and challenging think, especially if you're an emerging writer. And also a small mistake during the promotion of your work can determine the success or failure, as well as determine your personal satisfaction, economic, professional and so on.

    Unless you're not an authorship affirmed and your work has not already sold 1,000,000 copies, then you absolutely need to promote your book and, above all, to do it the right way.

    I'm an author like you and I tried personally what are the critical elements about book promoting, what are the things that may be more appealing to your potential readers, what are the obstacles and problems that may be encountered in communicating and propagating our work to the audience, more wide as possible.

    In particular, I wrote the book

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