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Who's Jo Spatacchia? - Issue 07 with music - Time: Issue 07 with music - Time
Who's Jo Spatacchia? - Issue 07 with music - Time: Issue 07 with music - Time
Who's Jo Spatacchia? - Issue 07 with music - Time: Issue 07 with music - Time
E-book25 pagine13 minuti

Who's Jo Spatacchia? - Issue 07 with music - Time: Issue 07 with music - Time

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who's jo spatacchia? - new interactive multimedia web fiction in instalments - text, drawings, illustrations and music in innovative web fiction you can read, look at, listen to - issue 7 - time - new year's celebration. jo meets a mysterious woman who seems almost to read his mind. she tells him strange things about the time. who is she? at the cemetery, near the tomb of his parents, a middle-aged lady tells him her painful story. his son asks him about the future. can we decide it or is everything predestined? or is it just ... an eternal moment?
Data di uscita20 dic 2016
Who's Jo Spatacchia? - Issue 07 with music - Time: Issue 07 with music - Time

Leggi altro di Vieri Tommasi Candidi

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    Who's Jo Spatacchia? - Issue 07 with music - Time - Vieri Tommasi Candidi


    Affluent villa. New Year’s Eve party ablaze.

    Whirling legs arms faces. Lights.

    They’re not bad, seen all together like this. Dancing, merry. Though with the obligatory merriment of a special holiday. But not the worst substitute.

    Jo alone by the drinks table, hands behind his back like an awkward schoolboy, smiles, blinking.

    A bit more and it’ll be a new year. Only minutes. Time that passes.

    Future becomes present, present becomes past. Time is perfect equality in itself, in all its minimal fractions. From the beginning of the world it has never been seen to be a second out.

    - Sure? - asks a woman’s voice behind him.

    Jo jumps round.

    Dark eyes brown hair. Pretty. Maybe not exactly pretty, fascinating. Not even that - indefinable. Lots of things together, contradictory.

    Jo smiles at her. - Sorry?

    She pours herself a drink: - Some have seen it.

    - What?

    - And they don’t forget.

    Jo, too, pours himself a drink. Hands tingling, face flushed: - Seen what?

    - One single

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