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Who's Jo Spatacchia? - Issue 01 with music - Weird Meetings: Issue 01 with music - Weird Meetings
Who's Jo Spatacchia? - Issue 01 with music - Weird Meetings: Issue 01 with music - Weird Meetings
Who's Jo Spatacchia? - Issue 01 with music - Weird Meetings: Issue 01 with music - Weird Meetings
E-book27 pagine14 minuti

Who's Jo Spatacchia? - Issue 01 with music - Weird Meetings: Issue 01 with music - Weird Meetings

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Who's Jo Spatacchia? is an interactive multimedia serial story. Drawings, illustrations and music are original and created especially for the text.ISSUE no. 1 Weird MeetingsJo Spatacchia (real name, Giovanni Spatacchini, though no one, not even he, hardly remembers it) is a pretty down-at-heel writer with a son, ex-wife and a life like many others. Until one day, visiting a hostel for the homeless in his town, he meets a rather unusual character. From that moment on, his existence changes, becoming restless and tormented. And weird meetings keep occurring ...
Data di uscita20 dic 2016
Who's Jo Spatacchia? - Issue 01 with music - Weird Meetings: Issue 01 with music - Weird Meetings

Leggi altro di Vieri Tommasi Candidi

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    Who's Jo Spatacchia? - Issue 01 with music - Weird Meetings - Vieri Tommasi Candidi

    The old pirate and the man who seeks

    For Jo Spatacchia (real name, Giovanni Spatacchini, though no one, not even he, hardly remembers it) November 24th starts badly. His turn today to drive his son to school and he’s already late. The luminous dial says 7.30 a.m. Damn! How can he have not heard it? It’s been ringing since 6.45!

    He jumps out of bed with his eyes still half-closed.

    He washes his face, starts to come to. A quick glance at the mirror: God, what a face, he looks ten years older, or maybe twenty!

    Now, four absolutely necessary operations to start the day properly: breakfast, defecate, shower and shave.


    And then: scales. Being thin is important to him. He loves lean shapes, hates abundant silhouettes and believes that excess conceals vacuity.

    He combs his hair and dresses quickly. Mobile phone, wallet, briefcase… has he got everything? No, he never has! What’s missing? What? no time, no time! go! go!

    He races out of the house.

    It’s raining.

    He jumps into the car. Key in the ignition. He’s out of breath from

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