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Who's Jo Spatacchia? - Issue 02 - Layers of awareness: Issue 02 - Layers of awareness
Who's Jo Spatacchia? - Issue 02 - Layers of awareness: Issue 02 - Layers of awareness
Who's Jo Spatacchia? - Issue 02 - Layers of awareness: Issue 02 - Layers of awareness
E-book25 pagine9 minuti

Who's Jo Spatacchia? - Issue 02 - Layers of awareness: Issue 02 - Layers of awareness

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who's jo spatacchia? - new web fiction in instalments text, drawings and illustrations in innovative web fiction you can read and look at issue 02 - layers of awareness jo is confused. the weird meetings weren't exactly meetings... what's going on? is he mad? off his head? the child comforts him, but he too sees a strange alien, plays with him, talks to him. jo begins to search for the truth inside himself and eventually he finds something...
Data di uscita20 dic 2016
Who's Jo Spatacchia? - Issue 02 - Layers of awareness: Issue 02 - Layers of awareness

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    Who's Jo Spatacchia? - Issue 02 - Layers of awareness - Vieri Tommasi Candidi

    He feels great but he feels terrible

    Jo Spatacchia feels great. Never felt better. No senile dementia, no dissociation from reality, let alone schizophrenia, and no sign at all of psychic anomalies. His psychiatrist, after careful examination, was clear: you are as sound as a bell. No doubt. Yes, OK, you’re slightly stressed and a bit depressed, but who isn’t? If we were to count that, the entire world would be a psychiatric case.

    No, no, he must not worry, just relax and enjoy his wonderful writer’s imagination, a rare gift in a really not very creative or - let’s say it loud and clear - a miserably prosaic world! And the psychiatrist gave a satisfied laugh, while Jo offered forced

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