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Who's Jo Spatacchia? - Issue 06 with music - Bad: Issue 06 with music - Bad
Who's Jo Spatacchia? - Issue 06 with music - Bad: Issue 06 with music - Bad
Who's Jo Spatacchia? - Issue 06 with music - Bad: Issue 06 with music - Bad
E-book23 pagine10 minuti

Who's Jo Spatacchia? - Issue 06 with music - Bad: Issue 06 with music - Bad

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whos jo spatacchia? - new web fiction in instalments text, drawings and illustrations in innovative web fiction you can read and look at issue 06 - bad jo walks around the town. his mobile vibrates. number unknown. whos speaking? no reply. it vibrates again. same thing. no reply. and if it were the girl in the red coat? and if that wonderful girl wasnt so very wonderful? if there was something hiding behind the angelic appearance? the jarring sound of an ambulance inside and outside the mobile phone compels him to face a terrible reality. but is it truly reality? after a long and arduous chase, he will have the answers.
Data di uscita20 dic 2016
Who's Jo Spatacchia? - Issue 06 with music - Bad: Issue 06 with music - Bad

Leggi altro di Vieri Tommasi Candidi

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    Who's Jo Spatacchia? - Issue 06 with music - Bad - Vieri Tommasi Candidi

    Bad inside

    Town bursting with crowds.

    Sunday afternoon. Cold and damp.

    Jo pulls his coat collar up round his neck, screws up his eyes and walks slowly and aimlessly.

    Scrutinising, observing. Thinking. Thousands of people. Thousands of stories. All worth telling, maybe. Maybe only some.

    Maybe none.

    More Christmas than ever. More frenzy of last-minute purchases.

    A few more hours and it’s over. Then wishes parcels eating drinking.

    Tons of stuff, superfluous, making the world fat.

    This is how we celebrate the pure being who came down here, lean, spare, in body and soul.

    Take that!

    Jo celebrates nothing. Maybe he never has. He walks, looking for the girl in the red coat, and trying to get Irina and Alessandro out of his head.

    Damn them.

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