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Manual of hair coloring ebook
Manual of hair coloring ebook
Manual of hair coloring ebook
E-book72 pagine33 minuti

Manual of hair coloring ebook

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The key to success is knowledge. This manual aims to be a practical guide through the world of hair coloring, full of useful contents to improve the knowledge. You will learn to know how to deal with every situation in a simple way, using formulas, tables, examples and experiments.
Data di uscita7 apr 2020
Manual of hair coloring ebook

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    Anteprima del libro

    Manual of hair coloring ebook - Simone De Gregorio


    The aim of this book is to provide a manual for those who face the world of color for the first time, and even for those who are already experts, to find the right solution for any color situation with techniques that optimize the desired result.

    The information in this book is the result of professional courses, studies and tests which have effectively been car- ried out.

    By questioning every theory, and certain data, I searched for the ideal way to make formulas effective in a synthetic way that would enable us to face all the situations we may encounter.



    The hair is a very special material, composed of scales, keratin and microscopic fibers. Here's how, in just a few simple steps, you can find out if your hair structure is healthy.

    It’s main properties are:

    Many of these characteristics are influenced by the diameter and health of the hair. The structure of the hair is very flexible, in fact the various treatments which we apply, can damage it, restore it or alter its physical properties. A good hairdresser must be able to observe and recognize the structure of the hair and advise the client the most suitable treatment to maintain its health.


    The structure of hair is very elastic and has the ability to deform and return to its original shape when it is subjected to a chemical force or heat. This phenomenon occurs because inside the hair there is a substance called keratin cortex which has an excellent resistance to traction. If hair is dried every day and even several times a day, it

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