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Oberto, Conte di San Bonifacio - Brass Quintet/Ensemble (parts): Overture
Oberto, Conte di San Bonifacio - Brass Quintet/Ensemble (parts): Overture
Oberto, Conte di San Bonifacio - Brass Quintet/Ensemble (parts): Overture
E-book28 pagine

Oberto, Conte di San Bonifacio - Brass Quintet/Ensemble (parts): Overture

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Explore Verdi's Operatic Debut with "Oberto, Conte di San Bonifacio" Overture: A Transcription for Brass Quintet/Ensemble by Enrico Zullino
Immerse yourself in the dramatic and compelling world of Giuseppe Verdi's first opera with this meticulously crafted transcription of the "Oberto, Conte di San Bonifacio" overture for brass quintet/ensemble. Arranged by Enrico Zullino, this piece captures the essence of Verdi's early operatic style, offering a rich tapestry of melodies and harmonies that reflect the composer's burgeoning genius. Designed for intermediate-level players, this arrangement brings a piece of the grand operatic tradition into the brass repertoire, making it an engaging and educational choice for developing musicians.
Arrangement Features:
  • Instrumentation: The core ensemble consists of B♭ Trumpets 1-2, French Horn in F, Trombone, and Tuba, thoughtfully arranged to balance the overture's majestic themes and delicate nuances. Additionally, Zullino provides alternative parts for E♭ Horn, B♭ Trombone Treble Clef (T.C.), and both B♭ and E♭ Tuba Treble Clef, ensuring adaptability to various ensemble configurations and player proficiencies.
  • Set of Parts (9): The e-book delivers a comprehensive set of parts, each one designed to facilitate an accessible yet enriching playing experience. The inclusion of alternative parts underscores the arrangement's flexibility, allowing ensembles to customize their sound and texture to best suit the composition's dramatic scope.
  • Educational Value: Tailored for intermediate-level ensembles, this transcription not only challenges players to refine their technical skills and ensemble dynamics but also provides a meaningful exploration of Verdi's operatic oeuvre. It serves as an excellent tool for teaching musicality, historical context, and the intricacies of operatic transcription.
Exclusive Online Resources:
Elevate your performance with the accompanying audio demo available at This resource offers an invaluable reference for understanding the transcription's intended tempo, dynamics, and articulation, enabling musicians to align their interpretation with the spirit of Verdi's original composition. It's an essential aid for both rehearsal and personal study, ensuring that each member of the ensemble contributes to a cohesive and expressive rendition of the overture.
Embark on a Musical Journey with Verdi and Zullino:
"Oberto, Conte di San Bonifacio" stands as a testament to Giuseppe Verdi's early promise and enduring legacy in the world of opera. Through Enrico Zullino's transcription for brass quintet/ensemble, intermediate musicians are invited to engage deeply with this seminal work, experiencing the power of Verdi's music in a new and intimate setting. Whether for performance, competition, or educational purposes, this arrangement offers a unique opportunity to connect with the roots of Italian opera and to celebrate the artistry of brass ensemble playing.
Data di uscita11 gen 2021
Oberto, Conte di San Bonifacio - Brass Quintet/Ensemble (parts): Overture

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    Oberto, Conte di San Bonifacio - Brass Quintet/Ensemble (parts) - Giuseppe Verdi

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