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Forgiven: The Deception Series
Taking Flight: The Deception Series
Serie di e-book2 titoli

The Deception Series

Valutazione: 3 su 5 stelle



Info su questa serie

Facing her past head on, Willow struggles to maintain control as she fights her horrific past and her uncertain future.
Her past was riddled with so many lies and deceit. There was no way of knowing which way was up. But her future, one where she feels destined to be alone, is much more harrowing than anything she had faced all those years ago.
A life without the man she loves.
Life is far from normal for Parker Davis. No matter how much he tries to hide himself behind his work, no matter how many miles he puts between him and everything that happened; nothing seems to change. She is all he thinks about. She is everything to him. He just doesn’t know what he needs to do to get her back in his life.
Will Parker and Willow finally put everything behind them?
Will all be, Forgiven?

“I will forever be yours. Always.”

Data di uscita1 apr 2022
Forgiven: The Deception Series
Taking Flight: The Deception Series

Titoli di questa serie (2)

  • Taking Flight: The Deception Series

    Taking Flight: The Deception Series
    Taking Flight: The Deception Series

    Willow has everything she could ever want in life. An amazing job and home, but most of all, she has the love of a good man. Or at least, that’s what she thought. In the midst of organizing the wedding of the year, her life is torn apart by the ones she holds closest. With a broken heart, she leaves everything behind searching for a new start, a new life. One where she can be alone and free. Until, she met HIM. Parker Davis is an all-around playboy, with a passion for fast cars and even faster women. A chance encounter brings Willow and Parker together, forcing them to face feelings and fears that they never thought possible.

  • Forgiven: The Deception Series

    Forgiven: The Deception Series
    Forgiven: The Deception Series

    Facing her past head on, Willow struggles to maintain control as she fights her horrific past and her uncertain future. Her past was riddled with so many lies and deceit. There was no way of knowing which way was up. But her future, one where she feels destined to be alone, is much more harrowing than anything she had faced all those years ago. A life without the man she loves. Life is far from normal for Parker Davis. No matter how much he tries to hide himself behind his work, no matter how many miles he puts between him and everything that happened; nothing seems to change. She is all he thinks about. She is everything to him. He just doesn’t know what he needs to do to get her back in his life. Will Parker and Willow finally put everything behind them? Will all be, Forgiven? “I will forever be yours. Always.”

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