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Mutual Rebirths
Mutual Rebirths
Mutual Rebirths
E-book122 pagine21 minuti

Mutual Rebirths

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Rebirths occur sometimes spontaneausly, due to events which require radical changes: they can be wonderful for what life offers, or may cause desperation for unespected contingencies that wipe off everything, except dark visions of future.

Luck and diligence grant the opportunity to be born again as adults, keeping the memories of our past. In this case it is necessary that the memories concerning other people, stored in ourselves, concretely revive in order to avoid a mere reproduction of what we have been. The true rebirth needs other people's availability and the support of those we had an intimate relathionship with. If we pursue a rebirth without causing pain to anybody, we will be able to express feelings and deep desires: doing so, we will become truly adults, wiser and more sincere.

This collection of 50 poems accompanied by pictures, some of which in colour, is intended to stimulate thoughts about the world, the human relationships and the wonders that every person carries inside.
Data di uscita31 lug 2015
Mutual Rebirths

Lino Milita

My name is Lino Milita and I'm a poet.I started to write poems for the joke, many years ago . Those verses were only mine: kept me company. They were my personal way of expressing myself.At the beginning 2012, I began to write with more awareness, at the beginning 2012. The first period was the creation of artistic expression outside of me. I am myself the matter of my artistic expression, my emotions, my feelings, now. This is therefore a profound introspect, but it is released. I want to share. I can reveal to me with my verses. With my poems.OTHER WORKS, PUBLISHED IN ITALIAN:- Tutto Sotto Controllo, short novel, ebook;- Sogni Sospesi, poems with pictures, some of which in colour: paperback and ebook;- The tale “Attimo d’Onda” is included in Le Donne e il Mare: paperback and ebook;- The poem “Divine Rimostranze” is included in Gatto, Mon Amour: paperback and ebook;- The tale “Crescite Inattese” is included in Parole di Pane: paperback;- Translation, from Italian into English, of Cetta De Luca's work Appunti. Notes from the Heart.Poesie e aforismi;- The tale “L’isola che c’è” is included in the ebook Alla ricerca di Capitan Uncino;- Reciproche Rinascite: my book of poems with pictures paperback and ebook, has beentranslated here with the title Mutual Rebirths.

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    Mutual Rebirths - Lino Milita


    Title | Mutual Rebirths

    Author | Lino Milita

    Cover by Diego Luci

    ISBN | 9788891199874

    Copyright © 2015 Lino Milita - All rights reserved

    Original title: Reciproche Rinascite. Translated from the Italian by Diego Luci,

    Cover image by Samanta Lai: Tai Chi.

    For the other images read the section Photo Credits.

    No part of this book may be reproduced without the consent of the Author.

    Special thanks to Stella Demaris for the layout of the book.

    Lino Milita

    After my first book of poetry and images Sogni Sospesi (Hanging Dreams), here I am again with another appointment with myself, to propose you a new share of moods and events of everyday life.

    The offer is discreet, because a rebirth denying the past and, with it, all the experiences affecting your life until now, cannot be considered a true rebirth. My assumption is that a revival is always collective, thus it may represent a genuine and radical transformation.

    Translator's Note

    Translating poetry is a challenging work when you have to render a metric rule in a different one, or to respect the original scheme of rhymes with dissonant alien nouns.

    Lino Milita's poetry does not follow any metrical rule: thoughts and feelings induced by words are the only concern of the author, to suggest and recreate moods through discord and imbalance.

    Nevertheless, his fondness for oxymoron, the use of discordant adjectives and the drift to hermetism that mark his poetry had to be restored in English carefully, avoiding to decrypt it either too much or too little, fleeing from a literal translation of Italian affected terms, absolutely odd in an English setting.

    I hope you can enjoy this faithful

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