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The replica of my mother’s relic
The replica of my mother’s relic
The replica of my mother’s relic
E-book73 pagine57 minuti

The replica of my mother’s relic

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The desire to make poetry is a consequence of a way of life, of facing reality with the force, passion and tenacity that belongs to every poet, of seeing beyond the surface of things, of grasping hidden truths, of discovering the flavors and scents of familiar places and of expressing personal feelings.

The purpose of this collection is precisely to push the reader to a deep reflection of himself and the world around him, through the eyes of a young woman, first full of hope for life, and then disillusioned as she grew older and became aware of the reality of a male-dominated society, always ready to belittle and exploit the experiences and abilities of young women.

The direct transmission of impulsive or reasoned sensations is frequent and widespread in the collection that, therefore, highlights an instinct and a genuineness trait of her poetic vein.

“How do you spell love without fire?
How do you measure passion without thunder?
How do you spell me, without you?”

“I’m not your modern girl. I’m the replica of my mother’s relic. The unfolding story of centuries of her truth, caged, forged and submerged in history of censored and broken spirit.”

Adaeze Christlene Nwankwo is a poet, writer and founder of Girls and Poems, a platform that helps girls connect with their feelings, heal through poetry, and build their self-worth through reading, writing, and sharing poems. She also advocates for the use of poetry as a therapeutic tool for young adults to navigate their world. When not volunteering and writing, she loves traveling, seeing new places, taking in new cultures, and learning about her surroundings. She teaches and mentor young girls.

She champions the need for teaching one’s mother tongue to children as it is a vital part of identity building. Part of her knack for cultural awareness is to learn and share history of her people, the Igbo race, while encouraging documentation through arts as well as other available mediums. She also believes poetry is a vital tool for healing, if properly channeled can become a unifying force for nations and a therapeutic device for young people, families and the larger society.
Data di uscita31 mar 2023
The replica of my mother’s relic

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    The replica of my mother’s relic - Adaeze Christlene Nwankwo



    There’s a dark casting in my heart that leaves me lost Each time I watch the last of your shadow fall take a walk from me

    It’s like you’ve been gone, but you remained to taunt me further

    Reminding me that, you’re here, yet there.

    There, that place I could never reach you, that far space where my thought travel

    To visit you, hoping that you would recognize this shape you once knew

    But, I could never reach you there.

    There’s a dim light that dances in my eyes, when I see you show up

    When the distance between us, isn’t measured by the last dreams

    And the future wish, but, by the now acts, winning ovation from the pushers

    You here, bringing a flicker of hope, with the almost,

    nearly and closely brush

    From your presence, gifted me in your smile.

    There’s a song in my mouth, I’m still learning to tune From melodies, conjured through your heartbeat, thumped from the rhythm only you make,

    One clap here, a sound there, mixed from your goings and returns that leaves me lost for lyrics

    To make the gyration last. Yet, when this lament surfaces, you turn it into a loud cymbal

    Tuned for you and I only, to dance and waltz, less I trip on this floor.

    There’s a want, only you can meet, as much as I yearn to fill this void,

    Left sunken from your exit, a hole left desolate, bereft of your touch, smell, smile or kiss.

    And my daily dream has been, that I may know your breath again, learn the scent of you afresh

    To pervade this depth lost and shrunk in endless want, yearning for you to see me.

    Through the times, we’ve both shared, hoping the longing is mutual in our hearts.

    There’s a place and time only you and I can live, only us can feel, only our hearts can tell.



    Trotted this beautiful plane

    Like a damsel adorned in grace and petal of love With a simmering sweetness on my face, lighting up my world.

    I've strutted and walked the pearly city of life, making perfect silhouettes my body clad in life's rich satin.

    You see, this skin has felt velvety silk of the purest of Shea, buttered with the finest of oil, only the sun can outshine. My eyes have sighted, beauty, hands curdled luxury and heart witnessed the deepest of kindness thereof.

    But what I've never understood was curse, brought from walking alone not from lack of crowd, but from want of truth among the seekers of my time. I must tell you, numbers don't make a meaning when wind wades you through the waves of life's despair, or forlorn faces nodding their shame of you.

    You'll find they won't always matter,

    the ones chanting hurrays’ will spurn in horror at once when coppers go crook, the honest keep hot Life is fine and bright and could be dark and dim when it turns to shadow from sparkling laughter.



    The tree died today, Ife

    Not even the fierce wind could wake it from its slumber Even the mighty rain couldn't fill the deep hollow in its

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