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Red thrill: Four tales red-noir
Red thrill: Four tales red-noir
Red thrill: Four tales red-noir
E-book38 pagine25 minuti

Red thrill: Four tales red-noir

Valutazione: 0 su 5 stelle


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"Red Thrill" by Jacky O, it's more than just a collection of four tales, of four tracks. It's not even only a video containing the "Ghist Track" Jacky O is an amalgam of worlds. He has the delicate talent to create stories telling and entangling them with any mean he disposes of. He makes imagination work with words, images and sounds. But let's look at the four tales: the recurring motif is Art. Or rather, four different ways to live art. The forger who repudiates it, the musician who fails and gives up, the thriller writer who chases it running away, the cartoonist who gives up before even trying. But this is only the beginning, because behind any choise, or non-choise, there's a mystery, a secret, the naked truth. The hard truth of life, which is art's meanest form.
Data di uscita11 mar 2013
Red thrill: Four tales red-noir

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    Red thrill - Jacky 0


    1. Red Thrill

    2. Eden

    3. Hide and Seek

    4. The Beast

    Jacky 0

    Red thrill

    Four tales red-noir

    Curated by Tatiana A. Carelli

    Collection Hall

    Translation Vera Sassoli

    Cover image courtesy of Andrea Contin

    Graphic project NOBOOK®




    In collaboration with

    Apparel Music Ltd


    Red thrill FREE digital EP

    Red thrill is a collection of four tracks by Jacky 0 which have been developed in the same number of stories.

    The Red thrill Ep is produced and distributed by Apparel Music Ltd.

    To receive the Jacky 0 Ep free with the four tracks that inspired the stories (download link), plus a ghost track, send an email to


    Object mail: "Red thrill"

    Red thrill comes from the development of four music tracks by Giacomo Cella, aka Jacky 0, produced and distributed by Apparel Music Ltd.

    NOBOOK recommends to enjoy them together.



    This material, which constitutes work of intellect, filed with the SIAE Italian Society of Authors and Publishers, to be used in accordance with applicable Law. 633 of 22.04.1941 on the protection of copyright. This ebook contains encrypted data in order to recognize and traceability in case of piracy. All rights reserved according to law. No part of this ebook may be reproduced in any form without permission of the author and NOBOOK. it is forbidden to transmit to other this content in paper or electronic format, either for money as gratuit

    1. Red Thrill

    It was with tears in my eyes and an anguish that my heart had never felt before, that I begged her not to bring me back. At home no one understood. No one understood that the Beast was getting closer. I could feel it approaching day by day, with that heavy pace that crushes and destroys everything on its path. No one could understand my terror, which was so atrocious that it made me shake like a leaf, every single

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