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Il diario del vampiro. La messa nera
Il diario del vampiro. La messa nera
Il diario del vampiro. La messa nera
E-book249 pagine3 ore

Il diario del vampiro. La messa nera

Valutazione: 3.5 su 5 stelle



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Non c’è più traccia di Stefan e Damon da quando è scomparsa la bellissima Elena, l’amore che ha unito e diviso i due fratelli vampiri. Intanto Caroline è decisa a riconquistarsi le sue vecchie amiche: Bonnie, dotata di poteri paranormali, e la risoluta, sfuggente Meredith. Ma Bonnie sa che qualcosa sta per accadere. Sente che l’immane forza malvagia che ha già seminato tanto terrore sta tornando. Altro male sta per abbattersi sugli abitanti di Fell’s Church, un male inaudito: l’Altro Potere si prepara a mietere nuove vittime, e i nostri giovani eroi combatteranno una dura battaglia in cui, per fermare in tempo il male, dovranno essere pronti a tutto. Anche a mettere da parte le passioni personali, così brucianti e così distruttive.

Una straordinaria saga che in Italia ha già venduto 80.000 copie

«Lisa Jane Smith brilla nel firmamento del “new gothic”.»
Enzo Di Mauro, Corriere della Sera

«Un gioco obliquo di seduzione e di morte che ipnotizza il lettore fino all’ultimo capoverso.»
Francesco Fantasia, Il Messaggero

«Lisa Jane Smith combina il brivido con la commozione. Una saga indimenticabile.»

«Personaggi dal fascino magnetico si aggirano in un mondo fantastico dove le passioni si rincorrono senza tregua.»
Fiction Today

Lisa Jane Smith è una scrittrice di culto, i suoi libri sono stati tradotti in tutto il mondo e hanno conquistato il cuore di due generazioni di fan. La Newton Compton ha pubblicato in Italia le sue saghe di maggior successo: Il diario del vampiro, I diari delle streghe, Dark Visions, La setta dei vampiri e Il gioco proibito. La saga Il diario del vampiro è ora diventata una serie TV.
Scoprite tutto su Lisa Jane Smith visitando il sito ufficiale ( e quello dedicato alla sua ultima saga La setta dei vampiri (
Data di uscita16 dic 2013
Il diario del vampiro. La messa nera

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Valutazione: 3.507042366197183 su 5 stelle

284 valutazioni8 recensioni

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  • Valutazione: 3 su 5 stelle
    Having a hard time remembering what happened in this book. The Return trilogy has clearly washed away all good aspects of TVD books that were originally written by LJ Smith.
  • Valutazione: 3 su 5 stelle
    I think L.J. Smith would have been better off stopping after the third book in the series. That one had a decent - although sad - ending and felt like a proper conclusion to the series. This one seemed more like L.J. Smith suddenly realising "Oh, I shouldn't have ended the series so quickly - I'd better find a way to continue it". It did work somewhat, but the fact that it was so obviously an add-on made me less impressed by the book.

    It was still better than book #2 though. Though I found #4 an obvious fourth book in a trilogy, I did like the characters here, and thought they developed nicely through the book. The plot wasn't half-bad either.
  • Valutazione: 2 su 5 stelle
    The fourth and final installment of L.J. Smith's Vampire Diaries saga (although I understand that there is a sequel series, Vampire Diaries: The Return), Dark Reunion sees Elena - who sacrificed herself to save Stefan and Damon in The Fury - warning her friends of danger from the beyond. What new horror stalks Fells Church, and will Bonnie, Meredith and Matt, with the aid of the vampire brothers, be able to defeat it?This conclusion to the series reads like an afterthought - hardly surprising when one considers that it was an unexpected addition, written after the first three titles - and a weak one, at that. I was able to guess the identity of the terrifying new bad guy almost at once (really, who else could it be?), and never felt the slightest doubt that the good guys would triumph. The conclusion, undoubtedly meant to compensate fans for the unhappy ending of the previous installment, was unconvincing. Smith offered no explanation for an event that has no precedent in her series, expecting readers to simply go along. I couldn't help wishing that she had let this remain a trilogy.On a more general note, although I zipped through all four of The Vampire Diaries, finding them immensely readable on one level, I am constrained to admit that I also completed the series with a distinct sense of disappointment. After my warm appreciation of Smith's Night World books, I expected to enjoy her other vampire-series more than I have. Somehow, these characters just don't appeal to me the way the Nightworlders do.
  • Valutazione: 2 su 5 stelle
    Three books would have been enough...
  • Valutazione: 3 su 5 stelle
    So far I can say that this installment is fractionally better than the first three books put together, and this is only by chapter 3. It doesn't seem that it is as shallow as the previous. Bonnie is a more rounded and believable character.
    Questions for chapter 3: Why didn't the girls know Caroline's house as well as their own? If they've been great pals their whole life wouldn't they. Maybe it's just me, but I'm the type of person that makes it a point to know my surroundings! How big is Caroline's house, is it some type of mansion for Christ's sake?
    Chapter 12 yet again exhibits this, example follows. "Stephen lighted a candle since the lights would hurt his eyes." See the grammar mistake, I do! It's fucking lit Smith! Where the hell is your editor? Really?
    See these are the type of holes I can punch into this writers work! So now bringing to the masses bad grammar along with worse than shallow characters.
    Merry effing x-mas!
  • Valutazione: 3 su 5 stelle
    This book was a bit interesting I guess. I still am having trouble with the whole 'Elena, you are perfect and every guy wants you!' thing. I liked the ghost though. I'm just not that into these books.
  • Valutazione: 2 su 5 stelle
    Well... I think the whole serires is kind of a flop. They got better as the series progressed, but I wasn't really a fan... I'm only reading the series (including the return series) becuase some of my students like it and wanted my opinion. The ending didn't clarify anything, ir just ended, so I guess it's good the author added two more books, even though it's a different series. Ugh.
  • Valutazione: 2 su 5 stelle
    What a terrible, farfetched ending. (Even for a fantasy novel about vampires :D) Bonnie is becoming more and more of a swiss-knife toolbox, for solutions to all your supernatural problems. Elena was supposed to be dead, but hey, let's call her back for the convenience of the writer. And last novel's Katherine wasn't evil enough, let's make up some worse devil. We all get that Damon isn't as bad as he looks, but somehow the writer doesn't seem able to make up her mind about him. And how can two relatively young vampires kill the Original Vampire Klaus, where trained armies have failed, for centuries? Aw come on!What I liked about this book is how Bonnie doesn't become brave all of a sudden. This is the only realistic thing in the whole novel. Otherwise, this was a complete waste of my time.

Anteprima del libro

Il diario del vampiro. La messa nera - Lisa Jane Smith

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