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Fior di Sardegna
Fior di Sardegna
Fior di Sardegna
E-book252 pagine3 ore

Fior di Sardegna

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Siamo nel 1881, in un paesino della Sardegna. Qui si intrecciano le vicende di Lara, alias Maura, e dell'avvocato Marco Ferragna, il quale cerca di far guarire la giovane sposa da una malattia che la sta consumando. Le cure però non funzionano e Marco si troverà ben presto distrutto dal dolore della perdita. Sarà un'altra donna, omonima della sposa, e molto somigliante ad essa, a rianimare il suo cuore.-
Data di uscita1 giu 2022
Fior di Sardegna

Grazia Deledda

Grazia Deledda was born in 1871 in Nuoro, Sardinia. The street has been renamed after her, via Grazia Deledda. She finished her formal education at 11. She published her first short story when she was 16 and her first novel, Stella D'Oriente in 1890 in a Sardinian newspaper when she was 19. Leaves Nuoro for the first time in 1899 and settles in Cagliari, the principal city of Sardinia where she meets the civil servant Palmiro Madesani who she marries in 1900 and they move to Rome. Grazia Deledda writes her best work between 1903-1920 and establishes an international reputation as a novelist. Nearly all of her work in this period is set in Sardinia. Publishes Elias Portolu in 1903. La Madre is published in 1920. She wins the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1926 and received it in a ceremony the following year. She dies in 1936 and is buried in the church of Madonna della Solitudine in Nuoro, near to where she was born.

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    Fior di Sardegna - Grazia Deledda

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