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Il Cervello Rumoroso di Eric: Italian
Il Cervello Rumoroso di Eric: Italian
Il Cervello Rumoroso di Eric: Italian
E-book47 pagine5 minuti

Il Cervello Rumoroso di Eric: Italian

Valutazione: 0 su 5 stelle


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Il cervello di Eric è così rumoroso che non riesce a sentire i suoi pensieri se non li dice ad alta voce.

Ma tutti continuano a dirgli di smettere di parlare.

Riuscirà il suo insegnante a trovare un modo per salvare la situazione?

Data di uscita18 nov 2022
Il Cervello Rumoroso di Eric: Italian

Renee Conoulty

Renee Conoulty is an Aussie author, narrator and independent publisher. In the mornings, she wrangles her two kids off to school (who are also Aussie authors and narrators). During the day, she supports children with disabilities to learn and helps run the school library. During the evening, she enjoys a rare quiet moment watching TV with her husband, amid the chirping of the budgies, yowling of the cat, barking of the dog and scratching of the rats and mice. Thank goodness the fish are quiet. Somewhere in between all these distractions, she writes sweet romance, women’s fiction, beginner chapter books and picture books.  Visit Renee's website to find out more and sign up for the newsletter to receive her ebook Cheek to Cheek, for FREE! 

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