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Oltre il Tempo
Oltre il Tempo
Oltre il Tempo
E-book95 pagine26 minuti

Oltre il Tempo

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la poesia, più di ogni altra scienza della tecnica e della storia è in grado di rendere col volto vero del poeta, il volto dell'uomo nelle sue pieghe più intime e sensibili
la poesia da viva voce a chi non l'ha, essa interpreta una condizione sociale e se ne fa cantore

Data di uscita16 lug 2010
Oltre il Tempo

Giancarlo Guidotti

Giancarlo Guidotti was born in Piancastagnaio- Siena. Graduated in Modern Letters at the Rome University, living in Padua.He has numerous literary contests:International Competition “The Patarina”Rome 1972National Competition in Cosenza “Three Valleys 1988”Este National Competition Award 1990.He has collaborated with cultural Italian and foreign magazines. His wirks have been published in journals:The Literary Fair, Future of Europe. On Anthologies: Graffiti Club degli Editori 1977. Writers of World War II 1989. Broad national consensus of literary criticism (Book Fair Turin) and foreign (International Frankfurt Fair, and Pensee Universelle in Paris) has received a critical essay on “De Sanctis and French Naturalism 1989.In 2001 he published the novel with historical background a heel “ Ghino di Tacco called the Hawk”. Tells the story of a noble now outlawed already mentioned by Dante Alighieri and reported by Boccaccio in the Decameron the episode of the abduction of the Abbot of Cluny.In 2001 he published “The Hawks Amiata” Historical-critical essay on the powerful family of Palatine Aldobrandeschi.In 2003 he published “Strokes of Light”. Novel memories and experiences in memory of Tiziana Rossi, a 19 year old girl in love with life, died in a car crash.( Reviewed and presented by Rai-2003)In 2005 he published “Ezzelino the tyrant” published by University Cleup Padova. Second printing in 2006.In 2007 he won the International competition for fiction Atheste, first prize with the historical novel Ezzelino the Tyrant.In 2008 he won the International competition for research Atheste historic first prize with the book “Francesco Petrarca.” (Presented at the RAI program “Benjamin”).

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