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A Flesh-and-Blood Goddess
A Flesh-and-Blood Goddess
A Flesh-and-Blood Goddess
E-book77 pagine1 ora

A Flesh-and-Blood Goddess

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A chance encounter, two glances that meet. A flicker, the spark that ignites an uncontrollable passion. Two perfect strangers wind up in a hotel room; it takes no time at all to go from contemplating art in the Prado to contemplating each other’s bodies between the sheets, and it’s inevitable that the reader is left astonished at the speed and spontaneity with which everything happens. Everything ... and more; a man and a woman freely give vent to their most forbidden fantasies inside that anonymous room, a secret space suspended in time, a microcosm of unspeakable passion, cut off from the rest of the world, nameless, ageless and limitless. Released at long last from the role imposed on them by society, freed from the conventions that hinder every step they take along the paths of life, they abandon themselves to an uncontrollable erotic game whose intensity increases page by page. A transgressive, irreverent game where the complicit lovers’ exchange roles in a succession of fantasies and extraordinary feelings that have nothing in common with habits, composure and everyday existence. A process of liberation where the bewitching female serves as a muse to quench thirst and where the actors’ intertwining of bodies and minds offers the reader a magical vision; a book whose blunt honesty may be a cause of outrage, but which cannot fail to arouse strong emotions. 
Data di uscita28 feb 2019
A Flesh-and-Blood Goddess

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    A Flesh-and-Blood Goddess - Moro Normanno


    A Flesh-and-Blood Goddess

    The Nike of Samothrace at... Prado

    The Grand Slam

    1. CHANCE

    Bloody hell …. what time is it?

    Fuck! Fuuuck … why hadn’t it gone off?

    And now, I’d never hear the end of it?

    I hop under the shower.

    Freezing-cold water, that’ll wake me up good.

    Brrrrr, I shouldn’t have stayed up so late with those assholes. Talking about work the whole time. And that guy who wouldn’t stop going on about the new sales plan, so why doesn’t he analyse it on his own?

    I can already imagine their criticisms: My dear Sir , you can’t be late for a Convention…. especially if you’re an Officer...

    But when does it ever happen that the alarm doesn’t go off and I don’t wake up anyhow? I’ve got a clock inside my head and tied to my balls, at all times! My whole life is regulated by an incessant tick-tock, always chasing, never a step ahead, everything down to the wire, live and with no safety net!

    A sudden illness? An emergency? A blackout? What could I invent?


    It’s absolutely true that it brings bad luck as Riccardo says.

    You have to give me an award? So give it to me without all this farce: the trip, the audience, the speech. And why are they giving it to me this year, when I deserved it twice as much last year?

    But last year you got the Golden Circle and promotion and a raise.

    Oh really? Well then forget it, leave me alone this year, without dragging me to Madrid for a round of applause, the executive suite with a Jumbo-size bed, a basket of amazing fruit and another one of… what is it? Vegetables? Yeah! There are all kinds in it: zucchini, carrots, asparagus, radishes… in the second, and pomegranates, prickly pears, bananas and pineapple in the first.

    But what am I supposed to do with them, smoothies and minestrone? Or is it an attempt to evoke Arcimboldo ?

    And what about the gift, where is it?

    Ah, there’s the small case, they told me that it should be a valuable Montblanc.

    I put on my Marinella tie, a unique Italian touch, that way it looks more like I was ready to attend a ceremony.

    I’m already in the hall. I always take my room key with me, and I’m not going to change that habit now.

    Too much coming and going in this hotel, I’ll never return to it.

    I grab a taxi in the traffic without being seen by the doorman.

    «Can you drop me near the police station please?».

    I waste about half an hour filing a police report for the theft of my beautiful leather briefcase which – regretfully – I’ve already thrown away for that reason, and off I go, as free as the air: an unexpected holiday!

    Chance should always be indulged, isn’t that right Aristotle? If, as you teach us, everything that comes from fortune comes from chance?

    What will today have in store for me?

    Will I hook up with the chance-fortune thread or will I remain in the dull chance-just chance rut?

    In the meantime I’m off to the Prado and I’m going to enjoy myself my way.

    I’m near Palacio del Congreso in Plaza des las Cortes and I take another taxi so as not to waste any more time. I reach my destination in just a few minutes.

    I ask for a guided group tour and line up with the people for the next tour.

    The guide looks like one of my former teachers, a high school supply teacher, as old as she was then, only now I’m older than her! Lanky, large spectacles, pockmarked face, flat as a pancake, with an earnest, nerdy expression – serious and gangly –, good though, you can see she knows her stuff and explains well, a good introduction: Goya, the Maja desnuda and the Maja vestida, El Greco, Velázquez, Raphael, Titian with his joyous Cupids.

    2. FORTUNE

    Suddenly, in the third room, I see her!

    But where did she spring from? How could I not have noticed her before?

    Did she just materialise from nowhere?

    She was in front, with the group of Krauts between us and group of female Vikings on leave that hid her from my sight.

    I make my way to the front with some difficulty and I move up alongside her from behind, elbowing my way through the Jerrys.

    I end up almost brushing the charming cloud of black hair with my face.

    I pull back just in time but manage to smell her intoxicating smell of wild lavender.

    A scent of freshness and sea breeze that I will never notice again on any other woman.

    But who is she?

    I have to see her better, she’s a real knockout, an apparition!

    She’s the first one in front of the nerd and doesn’t miss a word.

    So I stick myself by the side at the guide and I can finally see her full front.

    The cloud of jet black hair, ruffled in unruly waves, frames an enchanting face: full lips, fosphorescent amber-coloured eyes, glowing, a rapt expression with a touch of royalty, irony, awareness and inquisition.

    Her figure reminds me straight away of that of Nike of Samothrace.

    Yes, the statue would be perfect with her head!

    It wasn’t her listening, but the others seemed to be at her beck and call, as if they were her entourage there to worship her. And even the nerd seemed to be at her service, at her

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