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Venetian Alchemy
Venetian Alchemy
Venetian Alchemy
E-book54 pagine22 minuti

Venetian Alchemy

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A guide to discover the magic of Venice around its calli and canals.

Through the words of a lady who lost her lover and is hardly fighting her own nature to find a deeper consciousness of her inner self. The reader is guided through the city of Venice both with text and photographs in a visual way and therefore more realistic, following the same steps of the protagonist.
Data di uscita1 mar 2016
Venetian Alchemy

Leggi altro di Anna Castelli

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    Venetian Alchemy - Anna Castelli

    Anna Castelli

    Venetian Alchemy

    Translated by Evelin Marin 

    Photos ©Don Oscarez

    Digital processing ©Fatum Path

    ANNA CASTELLI, the writer in love with Venice

    I am venetian and I spent most part of my life in the Serenissima. My studies have led me to explore the refined elegance of the Japanese world, that has donated me the sensitivity to explore not only the feelings of people, but also those of the ancient stones trampled in the course of the story, stones of which Venice is made. The immense love for this city has led me to write a story that combines two of the greatest features that each of us can find in Venice; if you forget for an instant to look at Her with the eye of the tourist: you are left with love and magic.

    Check my whole life and career at

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    Indice dei contenuti

    I do not know what's happening to me at this time

    I forget to look at myself in the mirror.

    I forget to look at myself in the mirror.

    Then I pass in front of it and I see that image, in which I find myself no more: could it be me or it could be any other person.

    Then I prepare, neat and not too elegant, I wear a light purse, which contains the bare minimum to be recognized by the police if necessary, a little cash, comfortable shoes, and I'm going to take the train. I walk down the street with the body weighed down by sadness, the heart covered with leather that is no longer able to rise off the armor of pain that has built up.


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