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A Publishing Program 2017-2018
A Publishing Program 2017-2018
A Publishing Program 2017-2018
E-book25 pagine13 minuti

A Publishing Program 2017-2018

Valutazione: 0 su 5 stelle


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The publishing program brings together new manuscripts (Teaching Land Use Planning as a Science, Landscapes, The Planner and the Small Planet) with the revision of two books published in 2004, “Città Tecnologie Ambiente (Cities Technologies Environment)” and in 2008, “Urbanistica. Fondamenti e Teoria (Land Use Planning. Fundamentals and Theory)” in a new logical sequence, starting from setting out the issue to formulating a scientific theory for a new decisional support to land use.

All the texts are in Italian at present.

With the dissemination of this program, I wish to ascertain the reader’s interest in studying the topics under discussion and in contributing to future revisions and translations.

Data di uscita3 feb 2017
A Publishing Program 2017-2018

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    Anteprima del libro

    A Publishing Program 2017-2018 - Luca P. Marescotti

    Land Use Planning

    Environment and Society

    A Publishing Program 2017-2018

    Luca P. Marescotti

    Land Use Planning. Environment & Society.

    A Publishing Program

    Luca P. Marescotti 2017. Land Use Planning. Environment & Society. A Publishing Program 2017-2018 Creative Commons License.

    Based on a work at

    The publishing program brings together new manuscripts (Teaching Land Use Planning as a Science, Landscapes, The Planner and the Small Planet) with the revision of two books published in 2004, Città Tecnologie Ambiente (Cities Technologies Environment) and in 2008, Urbanistica. Fondamenti e Teoria (Land Use Planning. Fundamentals and Theory) in a new logical sequence, starting from setting out the issue to formulating a scientific theory for a new decisional support to land use.

    All the texts are in Italian at present.

    With the dissemination of this program, I wish to ascertain the reader’s interest in studying the topics under discussion and in contributing to future revisions and translations.

    Cover: An Urbanizing Planet.

    Fonte: Pharand-Deschenes, F., Schewenius, M., 2012.

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