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Ashok’s Ultimate Guide to Academic Writings
Ashok’s Ultimate Guide to Academic Writings
Ashok’s Ultimate Guide to Academic Writings
E-book81 pagine42 minuti

Ashok’s Ultimate Guide to Academic Writings

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“The materials found in this series have been from years of teaching and seeing the particular things that students find most challenging useful and realising what they find useful for studying more effectively.“
“Ashok’s Ultimate Guide to Academic Writing” by Dr. Ashok Jansari, Lecturer in Cognitive Neuropsychology at Goldsmiths University (London), is the most useful and easy guide to write excellent research papers and academic essays.
Data di uscita18 gen 2017
Ashok’s Ultimate Guide to Academic Writings

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    Ashok’s Ultimate Guide to Academic Writings - Ashok Jansari



    Ashok’s Ultimate Guide to Academic Writings

    by Dr. Ashok Jansari

    Ashok’s Ultimate Guidelines for Students Series

    n. 1

    Cover by Volume Press

    Original titles:

    How to use the study guides

    Understanding how objects are perceived: the role of structural similarity in naming pictures of familiar objects

    Essay and Project-Writing Guidelines

    Ash’s Delicious ‘Passing A Module’ Recipe

    Editor in Chief: Massimo Cimarelli

    Art Director: Francesca Eleuteri

    ISBN 978-94-92488-14-5

    First published : January 2017

    © Volume Press

    Volume Press

    Roef 12 - 1319AK Almere - The Netherlands 

    NL855776821B01 - KvK 64681327

    Copyright © Volume Press

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduce, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the Publisher, the copy bought is only for the personal use of the buyer, any violation will be prosecuted according to Law.

    Ashok’s Ultimate Guide to Academic Writings

    By Dr. Ashok Jansari

    1. How to use the study guides

    The materials found in this series have been from years of teaching and seeing the particular things that students find most challenging useful and realising what they find useful for studying more effectively.

    It is important to note that these are my particular guidelines and whilst on the whole most of them are ones that 90% of people would agree on, there will always be individual preferences depending on the area of study or even the person who is reading your assignments.

    Therefore, my guidelines shouldn’t be seen as a complete template for how to do everything, but as a guide – if you are ever unsure, you should ask the person who will be marking your assignment for their preferences.

    You will find the following guides:

    Recipe For Passing A Class

    This is a generic document which may be very obvious to many students but for some students, there are some tips that may be helpful, particularly as reminder.

    Writing Guidelines

    These are very clear, specific guidelines on writing effectively that cover key aspects of academic writing, from using appropriate language to grammar to referencing, and beyond. In this document, in situations where I have a particular preference, which may differ from the way that others may do things, I have stated it – again, it is important that you check with whoever is going to mark your work what their preference is, particularly if you are unsure.

    Planning And Writing Good Essays

    I have found that if students can learn how to plan the structure of their writing, then they have conquered the most difficult aspect of writing effectively. This document gives advice on how to structure whatever it is you are writing so that it flows from one section to another. Getting good flow through your work is essential if you are aiming for a good grade.

    Writing Effective Introductions

    Setting the scene for what you are going to write is extremely important for catching the reader’s attention. In this document I have given guidance on how to write a gentle scene-setter which takes an intelligent lay-person (i.e. someone who is not a psychologist) from the general issue you are talking about through to the purpose of your assignment.

    Experimental Project Writing Guidelines

    Although this document is an example of a student’s science report (as found in Psychology courses for example) using the specific format expected in the majority of scientific articles, it is useful for seeing many of the principles that are referred to

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