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Montale's Essential: The Poems of Eugenio Montale in English
Montale's Essential: The Poems of Eugenio Montale in English
Montale's Essential: The Poems of Eugenio Montale in English
E-book38 pagine14 minuti

Montale's Essential: The Poems of Eugenio Montale in English

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Eugenio Montale’s idiosyncratic poetry has challenged many English-language translators because of its obscure, often cryptic language. This essential anthology of Montale's work, the latest and most comprehensive English translation of this century, features poems from his masterpiece collections "Ossi di Seppia" (Cuttlefish Bones, 1925,) "Le Occasioni" (The Occasions, 1939,) and "Xenia” (1966.)
Data di uscita14 feb 2018
Montale's Essential: The Poems of Eugenio Montale in English

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    Montale's Essential - Alessandro Baruffi

    Montale's Essential: The Poems of Eugenio Montale in English

    Copyright © 2017 by Alessandro Baruffi

    All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review or scholarly journal.

    First Printing: 2017

    ISBN: 978-1-387-21585-0


    LiteraryJoint Press, Philadelphia, PA (USA)

    Ordering information for U.S. and non-U.S. trade bookstores and wholesalers: special discounts are available on quantity purchases by corporations, associations, educators, and others. For details, contact the publisher at the above listed address.

    Cover image: Portrait of Eugenio Montale

    An intense, unusual picture of Poet Eugenio Montale.

    Sit the noon out, pale and absorbed in thought

    Sit the noon out, pale and absorbed in thought

    beside a burning garden wall,

    hear, among blackthorns and brambles,

    clicks of blackbirds, rustles of snakes.

    In the cracked earth or on the vetch,

    spy the red ants’ lines

    now interrupted, now interwoven

    on top of tiny piles.

    Observe through branches the distant

    throbbing of scales of sea,

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