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The Land of the Ottavi
The Land of the Ottavi
The Land of the Ottavi
E-book74 pagine44 minuti

The Land of the Ottavi

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Besides Pompei and Ercolano there are other cities worth of discovering in the land of Vesuvio and Nola;Archeological and naturalistic sites accompanied by excellent food and wine.
Data di uscita27 mar 2020
The Land of the Ottavi

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    The Land of the Ottavi - Gennaro Barbato



    Barbato Gennaro


    The Land of Nola and the worship in the local territory

    Palma Campania -Sarno

    Somma Vesuviana Ottaviano Sarno

    The Battles

    The dissemination of territorial knowledge



    Somma Vesuviana


    Palma Campania

    Mele (apple) annurche

    The article on the National Park of Vesuvio


    Barbato Gennaro e Romilda

    The Land of the Ottavi - Let's Discover the Land of Vesuvio,Nola and Sarno

    TITOLO | The Land of the Ottavi

    AUTORE | Gennaro Barbato

    Prima edizione digitale: 2020

    ISBN | 978-88-31664-83-7

    © Tutti i diritti riservati all'Autore.

    Questa opera è pubblicata direttamente dall'autore tramite la piattaforma di selfpublishing Youcanprint e l'autore detiene ogni diritto della stessa in maniera esclusiva. Nessuna parte di questo libro può essere pertanto riprodotta senza il preventivo assenso dell'autore.


    Luigi Iroso (Historian)

    The reading of this second volume of Gennaro Barbato's work, of which I already knew the enthusiastic passion of research and the accurate work of verification in the field of reflections, data and working hypotheses, using all means with enormous expenditure of energy and time, has certainly helped to expand and enrich my historical knowledge related to the territories scoured, giving in addition to the look not only aesthetic pleasure of a punctual and abundant graphic image documentation, suitable to leave in the soul of the reader indelible traces.

    The volume follows an unfolding theme of a division in three parts that succeeds, in its precise and documented articulation, in telling not only the most significant actual events that occurred in the places (towns) explored (such as Nola, Palma Campania, and Sarno, Somma Vesuviana, Ottaviano and Terzigno), to even and perhaps more the living and concrete perception, almost intimately lived, that the author has had of all this. In fact, Barbato’s narration,even though it has travelled through the most varied paths of the individual territorial areas since immemorial time, characterized by their diversity and internal affinities, it has nothing coldly academic and much less outlines discounted manual-like itineraries(footpaths).  On the contrary, it directly involves the explorer's ego, making it a keen participant of the objects, of the finds, of the stones, of the inscriptions, of the same streets in which his acute histor passages are inscribed. In short, it echoes the extraordinary tradition that certainly dates back to the Greeks and in a special way to the memorable figure of Erodoto, a great traveler and historical explorer, who, far from aseptically describing the traditions and cults of other peoples, made use of personal testimony, of living experience autoptic thanks to which intertwined with the narration a relationship of deep empathy.At the same time Barbato's attitude,

    however, presents itself as extremely current, since it is precisely the travel literature of our time the continuous use of the narrator's experience, the constant interweaving of actual description and memorial reference. In this way the literature becomes extremely pleasant, moving with narrative ease from objective reconstruction to the ideological dimension, both in the sense that the dialogue is carried out with the things themselves, and also because of the constant appeal to the figures of friends with which the author shared the immense affection for our land. Between the lines we can see obvious signs of the friendly bond revived by the civic awareness of help to improve the environment.

    After all, the author realizes in full what, perhaps, is his main intent, also deeply dialogical and empatic, that is to stimulate the reader to go personally  to some of the places or sites that are in the text and remembered in full harmony with a natural truth: it is immediate the passage from the eyes to the heart, where the spark is triggered

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